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Community Enterprise and Atayal Tribes: Reflection of the Da-an River Tribe Kitchen upon Community Work Education


有關原住民社群一直是社會工作專業鞭長未及之處,長期以來同化取向的福利觀讓原住民地區成爲主流福利輸送體系的末端而缺乏主體性,運用社工的角色在原住民地區從事社區工作更容易陷入殖民、資源壓迫等錯置的工作態勢;社工界在一連串福利社區化、民營化的潮流下,現在更時興的是社會企業的概念和推廣,到處在談的都是福利產業化、或用企業手段來經營社禍事業。在這樣的大背景下,社會工作在社區的實務工作推動面臨更大的挑戰。 原住民地區異於主流的文化背景和關係脈落,考驗著社會工作專業如何能有更多符合案主群真正需求的方案被執行、和更有跨文化實務與知識的專業模式被建立,社區發展和社會企業的推行過程,有著怎樣獨特和值得進一步反思的經驗,是該被社會工作教育關注的重點。本文試圖以和平鄉大安溪部落工作站社工面對泰雅族的服務經驗爲篡礎,整理工作站經營部落廚房的過程,從一個單純爲了九二一地震救災、進行福利輸送、到後來進入社區產業乃至於有了社會企業雛形的過程,透過工作者與居民彼此的對話和檢討與反思,以及面對跨文化實踐和行動的經驗,希望爲台灣社區工作教育提出原住民實務工作的觀點。


For a long time, the Assimilation-oriented social welfare concept has made indigenous areas extremities of the mainstream welfare delivery system and lack of subjectivity. The character of a social worker doing community work in the indigenous area can easily make a misplaced working attitude of colonization or resources oppression. Under series trends of welfare community-based and privatization, the community work is now emphasizing more on the concept of social enterprise and on promoting it as well Industrialization of social welfare, such as using means of business to manage social service organizations, can be seen all over the world. Under such background, social work now is facing an even huge challenge when promoting community practices. Having different culture background and different relationship context from the mainstream, the social work profession is tested by indigenous tribes. Social work education should concern some focuses. First, how can we execute more projects that profit the real needs of the target clients. Second, how can we establish a professional model with more cross-culture experience and cultural competence. Third, what are the uniqueness and experience worthy to reflect during the process of putting community development and social enterprise into practice. Base on the experience of work with Atayal (泰雅) people and the process of operating, Tribe Kitchen, the present article tried to summarize the experience of workers from the Da-an river (大安溪) tribe work station. Form a simple welfare delivery for disaster aid of the 921 Chi-Chi earthquakes followed up with constructing the community enterprise as a prototype of social enterprise, review and reflection on dialogues between workers and local residents, as well as cross-cultural experience of practice and action are cumulated.


