  • 期刊


Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Literature Read from Eco-Criticism: at the Center of "Tonari No Fusha" and "Fushi No Shima" Which is Bordering on 3・11




By 3・11 (abbreviated name of the Great East Japan Earthquake which happened in the Japanese Tohoku district at 14:46 on March 11, 2011), the "safety myth" of a nuclear power plant collapses completely and people asks for new Paradigm in ecology, environment and various domains. The nuclear power plant literary works which have created the "nuclear power plant" to the literary theme is also often seen in such opportunity. In this paper, "Fushi no shima" (2012) by Yoko Tawada and "Tonari no fusha" (1985) by Aritsune Toyota which the common feature of drawing a future image is regarded from the viewpoint of eco-criticism about the literature of such post 3・11 are chosen as the text examples. And this research has studied relationship with ecology and environment, and has carried out to following a writer's literary concern and the locus of practice around the nuclear power plant. As a result of considering, "Fushi no shima" and "Tonari no fusha" are contrastive. The necessity that the modern society which enjoys the benefit of civilization faces an energy policy problem squarely, and makes decision calmly emerges. Simultaneously, people should cope with the energy policy problem more clearly, without catching "anti-nuclear power plant"-"nuclear power phase-out" or "nuclear power plant support" in an al ternative attitude as which is opposed to each other.


http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASG2P625TG2PULBJ00Q.html「朝日新聞デジタル」(2014 年3 月1 日閲覧)
http://www.asle-japan.org/環境文学用語集/エコロジー-生態学-ecology/(2014 年3 月30 日閲覧)
http://www.asle-japan.org/環境文学用語集/エコクリティシズム-環境批評-ecocriticism-environmental-criticism/(2014 年3 月30日閲覧)
http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/videonews/fnn?a=20140805 -00000941-fnn-pol「自民・石破幹事長、「原発再稼働しないと日本の未来はない」」(8 月4 日夕方兵庫・神戸市での講演内容)(2014 年8 月5 日閲覧)
http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140805-00000044-san-l41【電力危機は続く】岸本氏3 選示された民意、再稼働に弾み(産経新聞8 月5 日)(2014 年8 月5 日閲覧)
