  • 期刊


The Extracurricular Activity for the Conversation Course to Facilitate Self-Regulated Learning-"Free Conversations" of Japanese Learners in Taiwan




Compared with Japanese learners in Japan, those outside Japan have rather insufficient time for conversation practices in or outside class. Thus, it is essential for learners to spend their extracurricular time to obtain learning resources and learn voluntarily and actively. Thus, this study aimed to facilitate learners' autonomous learning by implementing the extracurricular activity "TJ's Free Conversation" into the conversation course, with the activity length of 8 weeks. The 3 practice subjects of this activity are as below: 1. Learners can make a plan to practice Japanese conversation with extracurricular time to form the habit of voluntary Japanese learning. 2. Learners can actively contact the learning resources (classmates) around them to develop the habit of speaking Japanese outside class. 3. Learners can record their learning process and review their own Japanese speaking condition to awake their introspect ion capability. The result of this activity shows that the learners had formed the habit of speaking Japanese to classmates outside class. According to the learning portfolios, the learners had set up autonomous goals and formed the habit of voluntary learning. Also, the learners' introspection capability had been awakened during the process of self -evaluation.


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