  • 期刊


A Study of Japanese Function Words in Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1




This paper is a study regarding how 90 entries of function word are distributed and used in Japanese Language Proficiency Test N1. In terms of the perspective of cognitive linguistics, this stud y will check the use of the 90 entries from six different facets, including their connection form, grammaticalization, appearing in oral form or written form, used at a public or private occasion, for male or female, with positive or negative view. Based on results, a table summarizing the usage of the Japanese grammatical function words will be built, in order to be applied in the study of Japanese teaching grammar, and used in daily communication as well. This research will adopt more objective and persuading methods to reach the research goal. By giving examples and strict analyses, the applications of these function words in the six facets will be brought out. The collected data will first be examined and analyzed by the researcher himself based on his expertise, and then 5 Japanese experts as well as Japanese native speakers will help examine the adequacy of the usages. Finally, the study will use a large corpus data to support the finding or analyses derived from the former two research steps.


山梨正明( 2012)『認知意味論研究』研究社
用例出典: 佐賀新聞データベース・林史典( 1992『15 万例文・成句現代国語辞典』教育社・『青空文庫』
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