  • 期刊


暗示性之訂正回饋對「非現場指示」所帶來的指導效果:重述、強化性重述及明示性文法說明之比較|The effectiveness of implicit corrective feedback toward the instruction of "non-deictic demonstratives": The comparison among recasts, recast enhancement and explicit grammar explanation




本研究旨在探討如何提升最常被教師用來糾正學習者錯誤的重述的效果。將調查對象73人分為給予普通重述之重述組、強調重述音調的強化性重述組跟普通重述加上明示性文法說明之文法說明組,調查語言項目則為非現場指示。而指導的效果則使用誤用訂正測驗及是非判斷測驗,分別進行前測、後測、延宕後測予以衡量。研究結果發現:整體而言文法說明組呈現較為優越的成績。這個結果暗示著重述再加上明示性文法說明可以讓學習者的注意力轉向目標語言項目進而提升重述之指導效果的可能性。|This research focused on how to improve the effect of recast which teachers use most often to correct students' errors. The participants were 73 Japanese learners. They were divided as follows: regular recast (recast group), intonationally enhanced recasts (recast enhancement group), and recast plus explicit grammar explanation (explicit group). The target structure investigated in this research was non-deictic demonstratives. Outcomes of these treatments were measured by correction task and grammaticality judgment, and a pretest, a posttest, and delayed posttest were administered. The results indicated that the explicit group was most effective. This implies that recast plus explicit grammar explanation would be effective to enable turn students' attention to target form, and to promote the effect of recast.


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