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Product Differentiation, Strategic Conduct of R&D under Duopoly


我們延續d'''' Aspremont & Jacqumin(1998)的研究,不同於產品爲同質性的假設,我們將產品差異程度內生化,即廠商的R&D投入使產品差異程度擴大,而在市場上僅存在兩家廠商之下的雙占廠商,採數量競爭的分析方式,運用賽局理論之子賽局完美均衡的求解方式,探討生產水準異質產品廠商的R&D策略行爲,並與d'''' Aspremont & Jacqumin (1988)對照比較,內容除了異質產品下的製程R&D合作行爲之外,也將討論產品R&D的合作行爲;此外,我們也研究R&D影響產品差異程度外,也同時影響其生產成本的分析。在納入產品的異質性後,產品的差異程度也影響廠商R&D決策,當產品差異程度較大時,產品市場的競爭程度降低,使廠商更樂於進行R&D合作。至於廠商僅進行製程R&D時,其結論與d'''' Aspremont & Jacqumin (1988)接近;當產品R&D投入也影響生產成本時,廠商的R&D合作意願將減弱。


水平異質 R&D合作 產品R&D 製程R&D


This study extended the work of d' Aspremont & Jacqumin (1988). Comparing with d' Aspremont & Jacqumin (1988), which assumed the product homogeneity, we endogenized the product differentiation and applied the models of Singh & Vives (1984) and Lin & Saggi (2002) to investigate the R&D strategies made by duopoly through quantity competition. We compared the R&D processes and its product with d' Aspremont & Jacqumin's(1988) work. The study found that after taking the effects of product heterogeneity into account, the product differentiability also affected the R&D strategies of the firms. The higher the differentiability of the product, the lower the competitiveness would be which made the firms became more willing to engage the R&D cooperation. As far as the hypothesis that when the firms only engaged in process R&D, the findings showed no difference to d'Aspremont & Jacqumin's(1988) work. When engaging product R&D raised the cost, we found that the willingness of R&D cooperation between firms would also diminish.


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