  • 期刊


The Development of the Writing Difficulties Test Results in Macao


本研究主要目的爲發展澳門地區1-3年級書寫成就測驗,協助教師早期篩選,並做更精確的鑑定與教學設計。測驗發展參考臺灣現有之相關書寫診斷測驗,依據澳門地區小學課程標準編擬試題,編製流程爲:(一)測驗題目編製;(二)測驗預試;(三)正式測驗。 本測驗在信效度考驗上,一、二、三年級內部一致性之α係數分別爲.943、.943、.916,具備內部一致性信度,在效度上由澳門地區學者與實務專家共計七位,進行題目內容與施測流程的審查,因而具備專家效度。研究結果中,除了呈現測驗常模與切截分數外,並提出測驗應用上之相關建議。


This study was to develop a writing difficulties test of 1st grade to 3rd grade in the elementary school in Macao to help teachers to detect the students with writing difficulties, and further, teachers could design the curriculum for them. In order to develop the assessment, it was necessary to gather and analyze the literatures and the assessment about the writing diagnostic in Taiwan. Then the procedures are as follows: (1) Develop the papers. (2) Test for the pretest. (3) Conduct the formal-test. The results of the study were listed as follows. (1) According to the result of the reliability examination, the value of internal consistency was .943 (1st grade) 、.943(2ed grade)、.916(3rd grade As for the result of the validity examination, the content validity of this test was through 7 experts' review and judgment. Finally, there are some suggestions for the practical use and the future researches of the test.


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