  • 期刊


The Journey with Sexually Abusive Men: A Hong Kong Program Introduction 125


明愛朗天計劃-性健康重建服務,是一項維期三年的創新試驗計劃,以自願參與的方式,邀請曾犯性罪行人士以個人面談對話、小組及活動等形式,去尋找被性侵犯他人問題佔據以外的另類生活經歷,自願性參與爲有此經驗人士帶來面對問題的空間,同時,他們探索問題及對抗問題的經驗,亦建構著有性侵犯他人問題人士的不同故事經歷。此服務的提供,建基於敍事理念(White & Epston, 1999)、邀請模式(Jenkins, 2009)及美好生活模式(Ward & Maunra, 2007)。參與服務的人士,會與計劃的社工以共行的過程,發現性侵犯他人問題、問題帶來的影響、曾經對抗及去對抗性侵犯他人問題的經驗及個人價值.透過對性侵犯他人問題的外化,支持當事人重新連繫自己選取的身份、發現對生活的盼望與夢想、重現個人主權。在其中,個人選取身份的呈現和對人生目標和盼望的重拾,亦帶動當事人對性侵犯他人問題的承擔和控制,以及重拾與自己、他人及社會的連繫。


性侵犯 性罪行 敍事理念


Caritas Community Support Project on Development of Sexual Health is a three-year innovative pilot project. It extends invitations to peoples offended sex crimes to voluntarily participate various services, from individual conversations, group activities to programmes, supporting them to look for alternative lived experience. The service delivery is informed by Narrative Approach (White & Epston, 1999), Invitational Model (Jenkins, 1990, 2009) and Good Lives Model (Ward & Maunra, 2007). Peoples, with the social workers, go for a collaborative process in fighting against the sexual abusive problems. Peoples are engaged to explore their sexual abusive problems by externalization, for which supporting peoples to reconnect with their preferred identities, re-discover their lost hopes and dreams in their lives and recapture the personal agency. It supports persons to take responsibility in controlling their problems, for which is supported by reconnection with their preferred identities and life goals.
