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Gender Differences in Computer Education


According to the literature reviewed, research comprehensively examined gender difference issues in computer education were rarely seen. Most of the studies done focused on either a single view point or specific factors. Therefore, we synthesized and evaluated all the studies reviewed, tried to obtain a clearer picture for gender differences in computer education.The results showed that gender difference issues in computer education investigated including computer self-efficacy, internet self-efficacy, attitude toward computer, experience in computing, computer usage, computer anxiety, computer literacy, motivation of using/learning computer, self-image, performance in computing, owning a computer as well as support and encouragement from the society. Among all these issues, computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, and attitudes toward computer were investigated most frequently.The test of binomial distribution also showed that computer self-efficacy (p<0.001), computer anxiety (p<0.001), attitudes toward computer (p<0.01) and computer literacy (p<0.05) were found to have significant gender differences. Based on the results found, suggestions to lessen gender differences on these issues were given.


According to the literature reviewed, research comprehensively examined gender difference issues in computer education were rarely seen. Most of the studies done focused on either a single view point or specific factors. Therefore, we synthesized and evaluated all the studies reviewed, tried to obtain a clearer picture for gender differences in computer education.The results showed that gender difference issues in computer education investigated including computer self-efficacy, internet self-efficacy, attitude toward computer, experience in computing, computer usage, computer anxiety, computer literacy, motivation of using/learning computer, self-image, performance in computing, owning a computer as well as support and encouragement from the society. Among all these issues, computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, and attitudes toward computer were investigated most frequently.The test of binomial distribution also showed that computer self-efficacy (p<0.001), computer anxiety (p<0.001), attitudes toward computer (p<0.01) and computer literacy (p<0.05) were found to have significant gender differences. Based on the results found, suggestions to lessen gender differences on these issues were given.


American Association of University Women=AAUW(1999).Educational foundation, gender gaps: where schools stills fail our children.NY:Marlowe.
Bandura, A.(1982).Self-efficacy mechanism in human agency.American Psychologist.37(2),122-147.
Bandura, A.(1986).Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall.


