  • 期刊


An Investigation on the Application of Shooting Guns to Defense Techniques in Shooting Activities and Its Prospect




The shooting activities were included in the curriculum for the senior high school students by the Ministry of Education in 2006. In order to examine the learning effect, the shooting competitions were carried out as well. Since the air gun players at the Nankan Senior High School (NKSH), Taoyuan County successfully won the first place at the National Shooting Competition for Defense Education in 2012, the present study aims to investigate the differences between air handguns with 10-meter-long distance and air rifles with 175-meter-long distance in terms of their conditions for competition and techniques, and to discuss its application and prospect at the senior high schools. This qualitative study was conducted through the participation experience, the researchers' observations, the review of related literature, and the interviews with the players and coach. The results showed that, first of all, there are differences between the air guns and T91 rifle guns in terms of competition design and their goals. Besides, the requirement of motor techniques and the aim-taking were the same. Secondly, the players with the air guns training experiences could perform better at T91 rifle gun training. Therefore, the findings implied that, firstly, through high school students' overall participation in shooting activities, fostering All the people defense techniques appears to be the key point for the defense education. Furthermore, if the shooting practice could be incorporated into the defense education curriculum, it might not only enable the students to understand the shooting techniques but also nurture the potential players. Finally, the combination of future All-out defense education and sports training is highly expected as the key to promote the development of air gun sports, build the students' techniques, and make All-out defense education into practice.


中華民國射擊協會網(2013)。中華民國射擊協會簡介-射擊運動特性。資料引自 http://www.shootingsport.org.tw/bbs/board.php?bo_table=about&wr_id=1
