  • 期刊


The Philosophy and Practices of Tzu Chi's Humanitarian Education


「慈濟」的涵意是慈悲濟世,慈即是「compassion」,濟即是「relief」。慈濟的「人文」理念與慈濟四大志業發展的脈絡息息相關,溯源於濟貧予樂的慈善,推展至醫病拔苦的醫療工作,再延伸到作育英才的教育,最後由大眾傳播媒體的大愛台,將慈濟的「人文」理念傳到全世界。慈濟的人文教育是以培養「人品典範、文史流芳」 之人才為目標,證嚴上人的教育理念認為,小學階段的教育如同小樹苗需要向下紮根,強調生活教育以養成良好的生活習慣;中學階段就像小樹幹成長的方向,因此要讓中學生瞭解人生的方向;大學教育就像一顆長成的大樹,要懂得盡本份,為人付出回饋社會。因此不論大中小學的校訓皆是「慈悲喜捨」,都注重「感恩、尊重、大愛」精神的培養,將培育「以人為本、尊重生命及無所求付出」的社會人才為目標。校園內將人文教育融入課程及環境當中,一般課程包含慈濟人文暨服務教育、醫療與社會關懷、生態保育、解剖與人文及茶花道等。潛在的人文教育則融入於食衣住行各方面,包含學生社團活動、各項校園活動的內容設計。校園環境的硬體規劃,以成為綠色大學為目標,處處可見的靜思語,成為最佳的人文涵養教材。


慈濟 人文 大愛


”Tzu Chi” means ”to relieve with compassion;” Tzu stands for ”compassion”, and Chi represents ”relief”. The principles of Tzu Chi humanitarianism is closely related to the evolution of Tzu Chi Foundation's four missions, which was started from charity that helps the improvised and brings happiness, it was expanded to medical mission that cares for the ills and relieves the sufferings, it was further extended to education, and finally through the mass media the spirit of Tzu Chi humanitarianism is spread around the world. The humanitarian education is to nurture the students to be able to ”set a noble example and leave an indelible imprint on history.” Dharma Master Cheng Yen believes that, the elementary education helps the seedlings to take roots, hence, it focuses on the daily living education and cultivate the students to have good habits; the secondary education aims to direct the tree trunk to grow well, thus, the students know what they are up to; the college education is to guide the students to take care of their daily routines and to reach out to help others. All Tzu Chi schools have the same motto of ”kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity”, they all stress to nurture the spirit of ”gratitude, respect and great love”, and raise the students to be ”human-oriented, respectful to life and giving unselfishly. In order to mingle humanitarianism into the school curriculum and environment, the schools offer various courses, such as ”Tzu Chi humanities and service education”, ”Health care and care for society”, ”Ecological conservation”, ”Anatomy and humanity”, ”Tea ceremony”, ”Flower arrangement”. Humanitarian education is blended into the students' daily living as well through the activities of student clubs and other campus activities. The campus facility planning is set sights on becoming a green university; besides, Jing Si Aphorism can be seen everywhere, that is the best material for the students to develop their inner refinement.


Tzu Chi humanitarian great love
