  • 期刊


Study on Architecture-Oriented Closed Circuit Television Information and Intelligence Management Model


警政機關常思考如何運用資訊科技破案以提高偵查效能,而其中最爲民眾所熟知技術是公共空間設置監視錄影系統(Closed Circuit Television,簡稱CCTV),惟在公共空間中普遍裝設監視攝影機,卻同時引發了人權、法制、管理與犯罪偵防應用等各層面的爭議。本研究將以符合系統法則之情境犯罪預防(Situational Crime Privation,簡稱SCP)方法論(楊士隆、曾淑萍,2009),再以企業架構(Enterprise Architecture,簡稱EA)中的結構和行爲合一(Structure-Behavior Coalescence,簡稱SBC)架構描述語言(Architecture Descriptive Language,簡稱ADL)工具(趙善中,2006),創新建立「架構導向監視情資管理」模型架構工具,並進行優勢驗證完成下列目的:1.以架構導向審視目前監視情資管理架構。2.以架構導向設計、建構符合現階段監視情資管理模型。3.透明化監視情資管理操作程序以解除民眾疑慮。


The government police institutions dedicated their best efforts to the efficiency of out-of-the-art detective technology and techniques to fight against crimes. Among them, the best-known was Closed Circuit Television (CCTV). However, the comprehensive set-up of the monitors in public space was controversial in terms of the issues of human rights, law, regulation, and applications to detecting crimes. Therefore, as the integration and application of monitors are getting popular, it is significant to explore the dilemmas of applying monitors to collect information and meantime protecting people's privacy. This research, applying the method of Situational Crime Privation (SCP) and the instrument, uses architecture descriptive language (ADL) under the framework of structure-behavior coalescence (SBC) enterprise architecture (EA), to achieve the following goals: 1. to investigate the current monitor management and regulation, 2. to design a more appropriate monitor management model, 3. to assure the society by making public the monitor application procedure.


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