  • 期刊


A Survey of Junior High School Science and Technology Teachers' Satisfaction with Textbooks Issued by the Ministry of Education




The objectives of this study were to investigate junior high school science and technology (S&T) teachers' satisfaction levels in regard to the framework and content of volume one of the national S&T textbook for junior high school students and to examine differences based on demographic variables of the teachers. To achieve these objectives, a questionnaire with 184 items was mailed to all 56 junior high schools that selected the national S&T textbook. The following conclusions were made based on the survey results: (1) The gender, major, teaching experience, and educational background of teachers did not affect their satisfaction with the national textbook; (2) Teachers were moderately satisfied with the "framework," "content attributes," "teaching attributes" and "readability" of the national textbook; (3) Teachers tended to be more satisfied with the "physical attributes" of the national textbook; (4) The framework of the national textbook needs to better planned to provide more appropriate learning content and order; (5) The content of the national textbook could be improved by enhancing the integration of rationale, and the completeness, logicality, and relation to life of content; (6) The national textbook could be improved by planning instructional goals, learning activities, evaluations, and auxiliary learning materials; (7) The content of the national textbook could be improved with more appropriate illustrations, characters, fonts, interesting headings, and appropriate sentence structure.


science and technology textbook satisfaction


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