  • 期刊


Scenarios Simulation Analysis of the Universal Design for the Environment of Pedestrian System


通用設計(Universal Design)是進行規劃設計上所必需思考的主要原則之一,它將無障礙空間的觀念再提升並融入設計美學的概念思考之中,同時也將適用對象擴大到所有持不同生活能力的人。因此本文之主要研究目的是以情境分析法運用實證設計的程序概念,以及完整的與全面向的通用設計原則來思考及分析人行環境的行為與需求,以提供未來相關研擬與修訂相關政策規範時之參考,同時也對於通用設計的應用領域上提出具體的建議,可以更廣泛地應用於所有設計規劃概念思考上。研究的結果顯示,達成一個理想與優質的人行環境並非遙不可及,事實上都在我們目前的能力範圍內,情境分析法運用實證設計的程序可以呈現最佳的設計解決方案。除此之外,設計者與政策的執行者是否由內心出發,站在所有可能之使用者的立場來思考他們的行為與身心需求,不僅僅將通用設計的原則運用進設計之中,更重要的是通用設計的原始精神,那就是通用的、美學的、安全的、健康的及永續的以情境分析的方式與實證設計的精神來進行設計計畫與執行。


Universal design is the main principle of design concept in the future. It shifts and upgrades the concept of barrier-free to a new era of the environmental design through the considerations for people with various life-abilities. The main purpose of research in this literature is to offer useful suggestions and design guideline concerning about the pedestrian environmental design that takes into account of 7+3 principles of the Universal Design. The studies are considering the behaviors for all the people with different life-abilities when they are across the street to another block. The methods we employed including Literature Review, Scene Investigation, and Scenario Analysis together with the method of Qualitative Evaluation. The results show it is not really difficult to achieve the goals of an ideal pedestrian environment that satisfies the requirements of universal design. However, what the designer and the authorities need to do is both the design and strategy thinking should base on the needs of all possibilities from all users i.e. not physical needs but physiological and psychological needs, and these considerations should from their intrinsic thinking. Furthermore, the components should be integrated into the principles of Universal, also its spirits that is Universal, Esthetic, Safety Health and Sustainability.


王韋堯、蔡百澐(2003)。直線型之直接線 設計對高齡者視覺搜 與辨 文字訊息之績效比較。設計學報。8(3),91-105。
The Center for Universal Design, 1998, Ronald L. Mace: last speech about a perspective on universal design, website: http://www.design.ncsu.edu/cud/about_us/usronmacespeech.htm


林孟郁(2016)。來看阿公嬤攏係按怎出門 : 高齡者外出阻礙、策略與選擇 - 以高雄市為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614050416
