  • 期刊


A Mapping of Women's Participation in Leisure: Illustrations from the Case Study of UK





女性主義 文化 休閒 性別


Feminist analysis argues that a 'common-sense' approach to define leisure as an opposition to work is far too simplistic and ignores the dimension of gender in social relations. People are 'gendered' individuals and the fundamental sexual division between males and females permeates life. Hence, human sexuality is a crucial factor in social relations and, in many studies, is the determinant of opportunities and constraints in leisure. In other words, the inequality brought about by the sexual division of labor is the fundamental ground of the difference of leisure activities for men and for women. This study analyses the factors that constrain and confine leisure for women and shows how women's leisure has been marginalized in a contemporary patriarchal society. Also it attempts to use the perspectives of feminism to look at leisure experiences of women. It focuses on women's own perceptions and experiences which too often have been ignored in leisure studies. This research deals with leisure policy and provision for women from the perspectives of feminism. Moreover, it tries to come up with new resolutions providing more leisure opportunities for women.


Feminism Culture Leisure Gender


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