  • 期刊

以背景知識為本的探究教學活動-Maxwell's wheel和yo-yo

A Study of Inquiry Activities Based on Background Knowledge: Maxwell's Wheel and Yo‐yo


Maxwell's Wheel是一種示範教學器材,它的原理和YoYo球很類似,當輪子滾到最下端時,會再滾上來,並往復運動。研究者以學習環的模式針對數位高中資優班學生、大學理工科系學生及研究生等以學習環三階段的教學模式進行一對一深入面談,除診斷學生的迷思概念之外,更依據學生背景知識的不同,提出不同的問題,引導學生增廣並重新建構其背景知識。從研究中發現,藉由Maxwell's Wheel和yoyo除了展示機械能守恆之外,透過適當的教學策略,可以診斷出學生對力、速度、加速度等迷思概念,可以幫助學生學習思考轉動力學等相關概念,還可以連結到牛頓力學的許多概念及電磁學的馬克斯威爾方程式。


Maxwell's wheel is a device similar to a yo-yo except it is stationary and does not rely on the movement of the individual's hand. This paper states what concepts students can inquire from Maxwell's wheel. In this study, I adopted the strategy of the learning cycle to interview students one on one. It can help students to reflect on the weaknesses of their concepts in dynamics and then assist them in the proper reconstruction of those concepts. Maxwell's wheel is an ideal experiment to help teachers discover student's misconceptions about force, velocity, and acceleration, as well as help them considering their concepts of rotational dynamics. This experiment is also ideal for linking many concepts of mechanics.
