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  • OpenAccess

Green and Sustainability Policy, Practice and Management in Construction Sector, a Case Study of Malaysia


The aim of this study is examining construction industry's strategies, preparation and administration towards the agenda of the green and sustainability with respect to Malaysia. Today, sustainability is no longer considered a buzzword, but a reality that should be applied in policy, practice and management of all sectors of society. It's a cornerstone needed by humans to live decently within their own conception of welfare, with respect to others without compromising the ecosystem as well as social and cultural norms. The pursuit of sustainable development puts the construction industry at the forefront both globally and nationally due to its total energy, resource consumption and carbon emission. However, the industry is identified as one of driving forces of the nations' economy because of its contribution in generating wealth through constant growth in GDP. In addition, it influences the development of social and economic infrastructures and provides job opportunities. Based on the findings, most of the construction work in Malaysia and in the rest of the world is still applying conventional methods which are not often sustainable. However, IBS has capabilities to be considered as a vital pillar in helping the government to attain sustainable development when there is a need to balance economic growth, social expansion and environmental protection. For achieving these gaols it is necessary that more legislation, incentives and financial supports be considered and launched in the construction industry and governments exploit their foresight regarding this transition to maximize the potential benefits through policies supporting the development of the private demand for and supply of activities which meet this agenda. And, all initiatives need to be taken forward simultaneously by cooperation from all stakeholders.


Green construction IBS Malaysia sustainability
