  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Evaluation of the Use of Cotrimoxazole Prophylaxis in People Living with HIV/AIDS in Hawassa Referral Hospital: A Retrospective Evaluation


The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in people living with HIV/AIDS, in Hawassa referral hospital, Sothern Ethiopia.This was a retrospective evaluation. A total of 216 patient history cards from Hawassa hospital were included in the study. SPSS v.16 was used to analyze this study. A total of 216 patient cards were collected and analyzed for a drug use evaluation of cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in people living with HIV/AIDS in Hawassa referral Hospital. Out of 216 participants 140(64.8%) female and 76(35.2) were male and one hundred eighty eight (87%) uses appropriate dose of the cotrimoxazole and 28(13%) is inappropriate dose. Our data revealed that there was an improvement on HIV patient CD4, CD8, WHO staging and body weight after the use of cotrimoxazle. In fact this is not the only factor that improves these parameters however; it is the basic agent to come the improvement with other factors. This study had not addressed on monitoring the patient conditions such as some hematological results, due to lack of data on these profiles. So that hematological tests such as complete blood cell count (CBC) and chemistry tests like creatinine clearance should be monitored every six months.


Body weight cotrimoxazole HIV/AIDS CD4 CD8 and W HO staging
