  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Influence of the Artificial Substrates on the Attachment Behavior of Litopenaeus vannamei in the Intensive Culture Condition


This study evaluated the influence of artificial substrates on the attachment behavior of Litopenaeus vannamei reared in the intensive culture condition. L. vannamei were grown from PL60 (60-day-old postlarvae) for 8 weeks at high density (500 shrimp per m^2) in 12 independent aquaria (1.0×1.0×1.5 m, water surface area 1 m^(-2), water volume 1000 l). The experimental design consisted of four treatments: Group A (GA), artificial substrates were immersed in water all the time; Group B (GB), artificial substrates immersed in water were taken out of water weekly and returned immediately; Group C (GC), artificial substrates were exchanged weekly by new one, and Group D (GD) without artificial substrates. With a longer rearing time, the increase of the percentage of shrimp attachment on artificial substrates demonstrated continuous in GA but discontinuous in GB and GC. Meanwhile, based on the mean of weeks, the percentage of shrimp attachment on artificial substrates in GA was significantly higher than those in GB and BC from the second week. The final weight, survival rate and final biomass of the shrimp reared in the treatment with artificial substrates were significantly higher than those in other treatment without artificial substrates. However, there was not significant difference in Food Conversion Rate (FCR) among different experimental treatments. So, we suggested that the differences of shrimp growth parameters were affected mainly by the living space added with the addition of artificial substrates.
