  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Collection of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Germplasm in the Northern Regions of Ghana


Oil palm germplasm collection was carried out in the Northern Regions of Ghana for evaluation, screening for drought tolerance and further incorporation into breeding programmes of Ghana’s Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (C.S.I.R)-Oil Palm Research Institute (O.P.R.I). The study highlights the collection of 22 oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) accessions from 5 locations in the Northern Regions of Ghana. The Northern Regions are not suitable for oil palm cultivation due to unfavourable weather conditions. Only Dura (D) forms of Oil palm were present without the existence of the other forms. The smallest shell thickness recorded was 1.6 mm. Data on stem height, bunch weight, bunch length, bunch depth, bunch diameter, bunch width, bunch spine length, bunch stalk weight, fruit length and width were recorded in-situ. Mesocarp, kernel and shell to fruit ratios were computed. Data collected were analysed using standard procedures; Elementary statistics (mean values, standard error, range and co-efficient of variation) were computed. Results revealed some variation for both qualitative and quantitative traits assessed on the accessions. Seedlings have been raised from these accessions for testing for drought screening and yield evaluation.


Accessions Dura (D) Elaeis guineensis
