  • 期刊


Exploring the Teaching of Chinese in Different Contexts: From CSL to CFL-Reflecting on the Teaching Practicum Experience in Indonesia


華語文教學是全球性的新興事業,然此波「華語熱」並未反映在來臺學習華語的人數上,生源不穩定仍是此行業的客觀限制。在第二語言教學中,有「把學生請進來學習」和「把教師送出去教學」兩種形式,若兩者相比,後者在教學推廣上,或更見成效。本文探討的即是一個把教師送出去實習的案例。 2006中原應華系獲教育部資助,送十位同學赴印尼實習。這些由CSL環境進入CFL環境中的實習的教師,不僅要能應付教學的相關工作,還要能安排好個人的生活瑣事。實習後,研究者收集、分析了實習教師的課程規劃、活動教案、實習建議、實習腳蹤(教師日誌)等資料,從各面向探討了華語師資培育中為人所忽視的CFL教學,並經由CSL與CFL教學中的各項差異比對後,提出對未來有志赴海外實習教師的建議。


Chinese education has gained global attention and become popular in recent years, but this does not reflect on the number of incoming Mandarin learners in Taiwan. Speaking of second language teaching, there are two situations: ”recruiting students to the CSL environment” and ”sending teachers oversea to CFL environment”. It is reasonable to assume that sending the teachers oversea could assist the teacher to make significant progress. This article is a case study of ten student teachers in oversea teaching environment. With the Ministry of Education financial support, in 2006, ten student teachers were sent to Indonesia by the department of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL) from Chung Yuan University. For those student teachers, they had to both deal with the changes of the teaching environment from CSL to CFL and adjust their personal new life. To understand the differences between CSL and CFL teaching and further explore CFL teaching, after the student teachers accomplished their mission, the researcher collected variety of resources including syllabus, lesson plans, and daily teaching journals. Through analyzing the data, the suggestions for future oversea Mandarin teachers were provided.


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宋如瑜(2012)。華語教師的教學語言研究 ──以師資培育為導向〔博士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315274484
