  • 期刊


Japanese Students' Reading Comprehension on Chinese Advertisement Boards


閱讀的進行不只是在書本中出現,生活中的文字皆可成為閱讀的文本。本研究即是以街頭的華語廣告招牌為閱讀材料,研究參與者為在高雄市學習華語的六位日籍學生。研究的目的主要是探究日籍學生的華語閱讀策略及其閱讀策略與意義理解之間的互動過程。 本研究一共揀選了35張華語廣告招牌照片,做為對日籍學生閱讀策略與理解檢測之媒介,並進行訪談。筆者編碼及歸納日籍學生之訪談資料,而後分析其閱讀策略與意義理解之間的互動關係。 本研究發現,日籍學生在閱讀華語廣告招牌時,同時採取多種的閱讀策略以幫助其理解及建構意義。其中,可能因為他(她)們均成長於日本且以日語為母語,所以,母國(日本)生活經驗與過去母語學習策略的應用,是一共同的現象。 在結論上,筆者認為:日籍學生華語閱讀策略的應用,在理解文本意義時,呈現動態的選擇性-能幫助其理解及建構意義的策略,即可以被隨機揀選以進行閱讀;不過,閱讀策略應用的得當,並不保證意義理解不會產生差異(miscues)。


Reading does not happen only on books; the surrounding print in our daily life can all be seen as reading texts. This study used the Chinese advertisement boards collected from streets as reading texts. The participants were six Japanese students, who were learning Chinese in Kaohsiung city. The purpose of this study was to examine the Japanese students' Chinese reading strategies and the interactive process between these strategies and reading comprehension. Thirty-five pictures of the Chinese advertisement boards were used as the instruments to test Japanese students' reading strategies and comprehension. The six participants were also interviewed. The researcher coded and categorized data collected from testing and interview results and then analyzed their interactive relationship between reading strategies and comprehension. The researcher found that when reading Chinese advertisement boards, the Japanese students might apply a number of reading strategies at the same time in order to comprehend the texts and construct meaning. Because they shared the same native language, Japanese, they were all found to use their mother tongue and past life and learning experiences in Japan as common strategies to figure out the texts. The researcher finally concluded that when constructing meaning from the texts, the reader's selection of reading strategies was dynamic. What can help him/her figure out texts and build meaning are appropriate strategies that can be randomly chose by the reader. However, appropriate reading strategies do not guarantee that the reader would comprehend the texts without miscues.


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