  • 期刊


Action Research on Developing CFL Student Teachers' Competencies of Multiple Assessment




Assessment is important for language teaching. The CFL teachers' competence in the assessment techniques is associated with the professional knowledge in the following areas: the linguistics, second language acquisition, teaching methodology, and multimedia technology; therefore, the course, ”CFL Testing and Assessment”, is mostly offered in the senior year of the CFL teacher training studies. With years of experiences in training CFL student teachers in such course, the researcher finds it's fairly challenging to enhance the student teachers' assessment techniques effectively with the two-credit course; therefore, this study is conducted to search for solutions.Based on the Lewin's action research framework: diagnosis, finding the problems, defining the problems, action planning, evaluation, refection, and suggestions, a single cycle of action research was undertaken. Applying the concept of game-based assessment, this study was administrated for one semester and aimed to develop student teachers' assessment competence. The ultimate goal is to construct student teachers' knowledge regarding their assessment techniques through reflections. The results show that student teachers perceive their progressing in the following areas: designing tests, Chinese proficiency, multiple assessments, and multimedia technology skills, but there is still space for improvement. Lastly, researchers' self-reflections on the training mode and the suggestions for action revision are included for future action research and the reference of adjusting the course.


CLASS(全美中小學中文教師協會)、國家東亞語言資源中心俄亥俄州立大學分部2001合作專案(2007)。中小學(K - 12)中文教師專業標準。取自http://www.classk12.org/ts.htm
Brown, H. D.、林俊宏譯、李延輝譯、羅云廷譯、賴慈雲譯(2007)。第二語教學最高指導原則。臺北:台灣培生教育出版股份有限公司。
