  • 期刊


The Purpose of Linguistic Study




語言研究 語言學 漢語教學


After Noam Chomsky developed the theory of generative grammar in mid-20th century, the study of linguistics started to thrive unprecedentedly. However, people may ask ”Why do you study linguistics?”, ”What is the purpose of studying linguistics?”, and ”Does a linguistician find it easier to master a language than ordinary people? Is there and connection between studying linguistics and mastering a language?” The presentation today is to answer these questions. The purpose of ancient linguistics was to explain the ancient scriptures, and I think there are five purposes of modern linguistics that needed to be achieved: first, we should analyze, describe, and explain the coexistence of languages and their histories clearly; second, try to offer scientific and reasonable explanations to each language phenomenon; third, discover the generality of human languages and the special characteristics of each language; forth, study more about the essence of languages to construct the concepts of linguistics and other related theories; fifth, develop linguistics-applied service. From late 20th to 21st, language has become one of the greatest resources of human beings and countries. Thus, more and more academic disciplines need the theories and outcomes that are developed from linguistics, and this has pushed linguistic study to a peak that no one has ever expected. According to the social environment and the potential needs of our country, we need to reinforce the study of the following aspects: first, set up sturdy plans of applied linguistics for the country to develop policies and offer better ways to promote the language; second, the applied linguistic study of teaching Chinese as a first language; third, the applied linguistic study of teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language; forth, the applied linguistic study that can be catered to the development of the study of informational technology.; fifth, the applied Chinese linguistics study that can be blended into other fields of studies. As a future TCSL teacher, one not only should master the basic linguistic knowledge of the language, but also should discover the relation or connection between teaching Chinese as a second language and other fields of discipline. Only by doing so, teaching Chinese as a second language can thrive in the future, and be known to the rest of the world.


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Li, W. S. (2007). 第一語言對第二語言習得的影響:以華語結果式複合動詞習得研究為例 [master's thesis, National Taiwan Normal University]. Airiti Library. https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810571685

