  • 期刊


Ecology Funds Investment Performance on Subprime Mortgage




This research is focused on nine Ecology funds from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2011. The duration is divided into two periods. The first period begins from January 1, 2008 to February 27, 2009. The second periods begins from March 2, 2009 to December 31, 2011.We use of the fund rate of return, standard deviation, BETA CAPM, Sharpe ratio to compare their investment performance, and the absolute risk value - the relative risk values, historical simulation, Monte Carlo France are estimated to investigate the risk value of the Fund.In light of these concerns, this article has three purposes:(a) to assess the ecological performance of the Fund; (b) to analysis the ecological fund value at risk for explore various fund the level of risk; and (c) to investigate before and after Ecology funds investment performance on Subprime mortgage.The results show that the profit situation in the subprime mortgage is displayed over subprime mortgages to low volatility risk also larger display subprime mortgage ecological performance of the fund, are still subject to the impact of the subprime events.


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