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An Investigation of Prepositions in the Fixed Frame [PREP the NOUN of]: A Corpus-based Study of from, against, among, above, onto, and beside

介系詞from, against, among, above, onto和beside於固定框架[PREP the NOUN of]的研究:以語料庫為本的研究


Most previous studies on prepositions have largely been discussed from the perspective of a polysemy network or have focused on featuring the geographical representations of individual prepositions. This study analyzed data containing [PREP the NOUN of ] patterns with six different prepositions (PREP) retrieved from the British National Corpus. In the sequences of words retrieved quantitatively from the corpus, we found the NOUNs shared by different prepositions and the semantic concepts denoted by these nouns. More importantly, we also showed the different degrees of literal and metaphorical uses, which increase one's understanding of different prepositions when they appear under the same parameter.


有關介系詞的眾多研究主要聚焦於討論介系詞的多義性,亦或是其出現位置的特徵描述。本研究利用英國國家語料庫British National Corpus(BNC)檢索[PREP the NOUN of]結構中六組不同介系詞的語料。透過大量的語料分析,我們彙整出這六組結構中共現搭配的名詞及這些名詞所表達的語義概念。除此之外,我們也比較六種不同介系詞的字面義和隱喻中所表現不同程度的使用,以期有助於增進對不同介系詞出現在同一個參數下的理解。


介系詞 語意概念 字面意義 隱喻 固定框架 語料庫


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