  • 期刊


Agriculutre Education: a case study on reducing kitchen waste and conserving resources




食農教育 廚餘 行動研究


Food and agriculture education include such themes as diet education, nutrition education and experiential farming. This research employs action research on a class of 26 six graders, lasting eight weeks. The aim of this research is to focus on helathy diets, convserve food resources, and reduce lunch waste through food and agriculture education. The findings are as follows: 1. Understanding students' food preferences and introducing basic food knowledge can help reduce kitchen waste. 2. Reducing snacks contriubte to better appetite for lunch. 3. Sketching vegetables can lead to students' prefeferneces for those veggies. 4. Experiential farming is a great way for leanring by doing. The findings have the following implications. 1. Inclusion of food and agrilculture education in the curriculum can help students' prefernce for vegitables. 2. Seminars on children's diet can be held on Parents' Day. 3. Hosting campus wise competitions for veggie sketches can enhance students' affinity for vegitables. 4. To develop food and agriculture education, schools can form stratetic alliences with other school in the neighboring regions.


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