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Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: A Case Report



卵巢過度刺激症候群是和誘發排卵有相關聯的而有可能造成生命威脅的情況。在它嚴重的型式這種症候群有如下的特徵:腹水、血液濃縮、血液易凝結、肋膜滲出、少尿和肝功能異常。這種患者會呈現出嚴重的腹部不適、呼吸困難和尿量減少。儘管對於卵巢過度刺激症候群的預測和預防有瞭解,百分之一點八的誘發性排卵的患者會發展成嚴重的症狀。治療卵巢過度刺激症候群主要的是支持性療法、修正電解質不平衡和擴張血管內液體容量,因此可以減少血液濃縮和促進利尿。 我們報告一位三十四歲的女性患者在接受成功的體外受精-胚胎植入後,因為嚴重的腹部脹痛合併噁心、嘔吐,呼吸困難,少尿和體重增加的症狀而住院。在積極的治療下,她恢復良好而在健康的情況下出院。


Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a potentially life-threatening condition that is associated with the induction of ovulation. In severe forms, the syndrome is characterized by ovarian enlargement, ascites, hemoconcentration, hypercoagulability, pleural effusion, oliguria, and liver function abnormalities. The patient may present with severe abdominal discomfort, dyspnea, and decreased urine output. Despite the acquired knowledge regarding the prediction and prevention of OHSS, 1.8% of the patients still develop severe symptoms. The treatment for OHSS is predominantly supportive, with the correction of electrolyte imbalances and expansion of intravascular volume thereby reducing hemoconcentration and promoting diuresis. We report a case of a 34-year-old female who had undergone a successful in vitro fertilization and was admitted to our hospital with a greatly distended abdomen, associated symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, oliguria, and weight gain. After intensive treatement, she made a good recovery and was discharged in good condition.
