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Bioimpedance Spectroscopy and Fluid Management in Dialysis Patients: From Laboratory to Clinic



Many patients on dialysis are older adults with numerous comorbid conditions and poor nutritional health. Improving fluid and nutritional status are major treatment goals for patients on dialysis, who should regularly receive both fluid as well as nutritional assessment by dialysis staff. Anthropometric and body composition assessments provide important nutritional status information. However, most assessment methods have a limited application in patients on dialysis because dialysis alters their hydration status. On the other hand, body composition estimates from single- and multifrequency bioelectrical impedance in healthy individuals are well established. However, most bioelectrical impedance methods employ some form of predictive modeling to obtain estimated outcomes have some inherent problems in patients on dialysis. A body composition monitor based on bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) with modified fluid and physiological models has been developed in recent years to detect excessive fluid in patients on dialysis. Due to its non-invasive and easy-to-perform characteristics, it has been increasingly applied as a bedside tool to evaluate patients' fluid status in many dialysis facilities worldwide. Furthermore, BIS is also useful in assessing nutritional status and adequacy of patients on dialysis in the clinical setting. We present a rigorous review of the recent publications that address these issues.




生物阻抗 營養 水分 透析
