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Investigation of Copt(111) Surface Alloy by Magnetic Layer Insertion


在真空腔內蒸鍍10 ML(原子層)的鈷薄膜在Pt(111)面上,探測其磁性和退火溫度的關係可測得原磁化易軸在平行表面(Longitudinal)上,當退火溫度達600 K時,其Longitudinal方向的矯頑力(Hc)有些微的增強,800 K時開始出現垂直表面(Polar)的磁化曲線但無法完全磁化。現以10 ML Co/ 2 ML Fe/Pt(111)與其作磁性變化的比較,室溫下其矯頑力無明顯差異。當退火處理後含有鐵中介層的樣品在Longitudinal方向Hc達500 K開始增強,且增強量從15%提升至30%,在800 K時Hc從360 Oe增強至570 Oe,而Polar方向磁化曲線並無明顯的改變。磁性薄膜磁性的變化除了因不同的原子層介面效應影響,也會隨溫度增加而形成合金時產生顯著的改變。

Parallel abstracts

The 10 atom layers (monolayers, ML) Co films are steamed and plated on Pt(111) in an ultrahigh vacuum system with the base pressure below 5×10-10 mbar. This result is consistent with the measurement of SMOKE (surface magneto-optic Kerr effect). It is influenced by the extra magnetic field but different to survey its magnetic relation with annealed temperature. By the small magnetic field (less than 1000 Oe), the easy magnetization axis is in the parallel surface direction (Longitudinal) at room temperature. To measure the hysteresis signal of 10 ML Co/Pt(111) at the room temperature after annealed effect, find only in Longitudinal direction having value, when the annealed temperature reaches 600 K and 800 K the coercivity (Hc) on the longitudinal direction is apparent enhancement about 15% and 2 times, and vertical surface direction (Polar) magnetize curve has is not obvious change. By steams and plates 10 ML Co on 2 ML Fe/Pt(111) and measures its magnetic change on the sample. Then 10 ML Co/2 ML Fe/Pt(111) sample is carried on annealing and finds the temperature with the coercivity on the longitudinal direction starts to enhance drops to 500 K from 600 K, and the Hc strengthens from 475 Oe to 570 Oe at 800 K, but there is not obvious change in the magnetization curve of Polar direction. The magnetic change of the magnetic membrane except because one layer of interface effects of different atoms influences, also will increase and produce the apparent change with the temperature while forming the alloy.

Parallel keywords

Iron Cobalt SMOKE Surface-anisotropy energy


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