  • 期刊


The Ideal of Technological Education and Humanity Spirit Balanced: DYU Literal Arts Education Transformation as a Sample



大學的教育目標與理想應該是把科技與人文的特質融於一身而冶之,教育學生為自己的未來人生找到安身立命之處,為社會國家做出貢獻。科學的發展對人類文明演進做出巨大的貢獻,同樣的科學家對自然界的探索越多,對人類與自然之間相對性與相互依存性的了解更深,尋求人與大自然和諧共存共榮的意識更形重要。各學科專業領域的發展,隨著知識的累積,進展日新月異,學生如何在這種環境氛圍中找到安頓身心的智慧,就必須藉助於通識教育的啟發。透過通識課程的實施,將科技與人文融滲,方能理想與現實兼顧,精神與物質並濟,塑造學生成為二十一世紀的優秀公民。 大葉大學成立於1990,前身為工學院,如今已發展為五個學院,學生近萬人的綜合大學,近年辦學理念隨大環境的變化與學校的成長而調整:培養學生成為創意的科技菁英、合作的企業夥伴、卓越的現代國民、關懷的世界公民。2008年通識教育的改革,堅持均衡科學教育與人文素質的理想,以「核心能力」作為通識課程規劃的目標,期望學生透過精心規劃的課程學習,落實「核心能力」的培養,學到「帶得走」的知識能力與關懷世界的人文素養,達到學生、學校、企業三贏的理想。


The educational goals and ideals of universities should have specialties of technology and humanities integrated, through which students can set specific life goals and contribute to the surroundings. Scientific developments have pushed forward human civilization; therefore, the more scientists study the nature, the deeper man's understanding of the correlation between, the more demand for harmonious relation between there will be. In this sense, students should find ways to situate themselves in the academic labyrinth-this can possibly be achieved by liberal arts education. Liberal arts education integrates technology and humanities, ideals and realities, spirits and materials, with a wish to cultivate excellent civilians of the 21th century. Da-Yeh University was set up in 1990. Firstly a College of Engineering, DYU is now a comprehensive university now with five colleges and almost 10 thousand students yearly. In recent years, the surrounding changes and the expansion of the university lead to some modulations: the university goals being to cultivate students as creative technology elites, cooperative enterprise partners, excellent modern civilians, and global residents with international visions. In 2008, DYU liberal arts education underwent some transformation-the ideals of technological and humanity education balanced, core abilities consolidated, and doable knowledge and encompassing humanities obtained-these might altogether reach the triple-win of students, university, and business.


陳至中,〈方便填志願 教部促大學公布尌業率〉,2009-07-25,《中國時報》
