  • 期刊


The Production and Consumption of Machine Translation: A Deconstructionist Perspective


本文試從解構主義「去中心論」(de-centralization)及「差異之操弄」(a play of difference)之觀點來探討機器翻譯(machine translation/MT)生產及消費過程,同時針對其正反面解構現象,提出個人評論。本文引用解構主義「作者之主體性消解」的概念來討論「機器譯者之權威性泯滅」的類比現象,此意味著MT系統之譯者只是語言轉換之仲介者,並不呈現任何個人風格,或僅能呈現一種機械化風格。此外,由於MT譯文經過不同使用/消費者解讀、加工及改製後,就如同解構主義形容文本經由不同讀者詮釋後,其形式及意義將產生更迭或「延異」(différance)之現象。再者,MT譯文之生產可透過借用已庫存譯文及其他使用者/譯者補充譯文之過程,突顯其翻譯之「互文本性」(inter-textuality)及開放結束(open-ending)之現象,也呼應了解構主義之「書寫文本」概念,並打破作品之獨立完整性。談及MT之正反面效益時,作者由MT系統置放於網路上供大眾免費使用之現象,以揭櫫其自主參與、差異追求及多元開放之正面解構觀;另一方面因為MT之誕生衍生了前MT編輯之控制性語言及後MT編輯之翻譯腔語言、大眾科技迷思及翻譯著作版權等議題,為我們帶來語言混亂、角色錯置及責任歸屬等負面之解構觀。至此,試問MT是近代翻譯史上的福音(boon)抑或詛咒(doom)?恐怕在解構領域裡,只能找到暫時休止的 「分號」(;)答案。


This article discusses the production and consumption of machine translation (MT), and explores the positive and negative impact from a deconstructionist perspective. I describe the deprived authority of the MT system using the deconstructionist concept of the author's de-subjectivity in the process of writing. In addition, I pinpoint that the translation produced by the MT system may create multiple versions of the end product through user/consumer appropriation, revision and editing. This transformation of the original MT text concurs with Derrida's concept of différance, suggesting the generation of multiple textual meanings as the result of different readers' interpretations. Most significantly, MT's retrieval of data from existing translated texts and supplementary user edited texts reflects the feature of inter-texuality, breaking from the traditional concept of unique, complete text and translation.MT production and consumption has its strengths and weaknesses. The positive viewpoint suggests that the free online MT systems are open to diverse users/consumers for different purposes, revealing the spirit of diversity and democracy. Nevertheless, MT use initiates the production of new languages such as controlled language (pre-MT editing) and post-MT edited language. The long-term use of these languages might make it difficult to distinguish between natural/formal and artificial/informal languages. Also on the negative side, some MT users mistakenly identify MT as a potential substitute for human translators and MT use involves certain copyright problems. Whether there is a positive or negative impact, there can be no definite answer to the query of whether MT is boon or doom in modern translation because MT already exists and can't easily be banished from daily life in the foreseeable future.


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