  • 期刊

Do Interpreters Need to Sound Like Broadcasters?



常有人說專業口譯發音咬字要像播音員一樣字正腔圓,但專門探討口譯員發音咬字的實證研究卻不多見。本文旨在透過實證調查探究口譯員的發音咬字對聽眾的影響。問卷調查的對象是彰化師範大學三個班級的學生共121位。本研究採取假貌相比測試法(matched guise technique),由4名女性專業口譯分別錄製了3個發音版本的錄音檔,包括標準版、自然版和口音版。口譯員兩位來自中國大陸,兩位來自臺灣;其中一位臺灣口譯員也受過專業廣播訓練並主持了多年的電台廣播工作。學生們每聽完1個錄音檔,便在李克特7等尺度量表(7-point Likert Scale)上就口譯的專業程度和聽眾的喜好程度評分。問卷調查在中國大陸東北大學重複進行以探討大陸聽眾的標準和期望是否與臺灣相似或甚至更高。參與調查的為瀋陽東北大學3個班級的學生共89位。兩岸問卷調查的結果顯示,在譯文內容無虞的情況下,口譯員發音愈標準聽眾覺得愈專業,專業程度和聽眾的喜好程度呈現高度的正比關係。像播音員一樣字正腔圓有加分作用,但並非必要。


It is widely believed that good enunciation is a basic quality of an interpreter, but few empirical studies have focused on this aspect. The current research investigates how interpreter enunciation affects audience perception. One hundred and twenty-one students from three classes at the National Changhua University of Education served as raters. They listened to four sets of matched guises of speeches recorded by four professional interpreters, two from China and two from Taiwan. One of the Taiwanese interpreters was also a broadcaster. Each interpreter recorded a reading passage in three pronunciation versions: Standard Mandarin, a Natural guise and an Accented guise. Students rated perceived professionalism and their preference on a 7-point Likert scale. The study was replicated in China with 89 students from three classes at Northeastern University as raters. Results of both studies indicated when content of rendition is of no concern, more standard Mandarin during interpreting is perceived as more professional and favorable. However broadcaster-level enunciation is "icing on the cake," but not essential for interpreters.


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