  • 期刊


An Innovative Approach to Teaching News Trans-Editing


近年來國內翻譯教育大興,其中新聞編譯課尤受同學歡迎。然而傳統以教師為中心「講述—練習—批改—評論」的傳輸式翻譯教學模式,常把教師視為知識權威,學生為被動接受知識者,不易引起學生共鳴。另外,課堂上實施的單篇新聞全文翻譯又與職場所需的多篇新聞編譯不同,產生學校所教與職場所需不符的困境。為解決這些問題,本研究整合傳統傳輸式與社會建構式教學模式,以協同學習和編製國際新聞報紙為教學活動,設計並實施創新的新聞編譯教學模式。研究方法為行動研究(action research),由研究者擔任授課教師,共有31位大學新聞系大三和大四學生參與。研究資料蒐集包括參與式觀察(participant observation),授課教師在上課過程中撰寫實地札記(field notes)和教學反思的備忘錄 (memorandum)、執行學生個別訪談與焦點團體訪談、以及實施期末量性問卷調查等,大量蒐集學生的上課實況和對課程的成效反應、新聞編譯的譯作和策略使用。教師也要求學生製作翻譯學習歷程檔案(portfolios),持續性累積翻譯學習發展紀錄。研究者再以質性編碼和描述性統計分析上述龐大資料。研究所得結果期望能為國內的新聞編譯課程提供具備教學理論基礎與可具體操作的教學程序和模式,進而提升翻譯教學的品質,訓練出具備跨文化能力與符合職場需要的新聞譯者。


In recent years, the News Trans-Editing course has been popular in Taiwan. However, most instructors have adopted the traditional "transmission" teaching method wherein the teacher imparts his expert knowledge by grading assignments, giving lectures and holding class discussions. Furthermore, students are often asked to translate a whole news article instead of doing news trans-editing, thus resulting in a disparity between classroom teaching and course requirements. This research study aimed to close the gap by designing and implementing an innovative news-editing teaching method that integrated a traditional transmission approach and a social constructivist approach to teaching: students worked on an authentic newspaper-publishing project that required trans-editing. Thirty-one university juniors and seniors participated in this study. Participant observation was used in the data collection process. One of the researchers, being the instructor of the university's News Trans-editing class, was responsible for generating field notes and reflective memorandums. Individual interviews, focus group interviews, and a questionnaire survey were conducted to gather information on students' participation and feedback, and to delve into students' trans-editing strategies. Students were also required to create their own translation portfolios to provide a continuous record of their development of competence in translation. Qualitative coding methods and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis. It is hoped that the findings of this research study will help us to create more practical models for the classroom teaching of news-translating and news-editing.


Baker, M.(Ed.)(1998).Routledge encyclopedia of translation studies.London:Routledge.
Bassnett, S.(2005).Bringing the news back home: Strategies of acculturation and foreignisation.Language and Intercultural Communication.5(2),120-130.
