  • 期刊


Sources of Four Chinese Versions of En Famille, 1893-1949


法文兒童小說《孤女尋親記》(En Famille)(Malot, 1893)的中文譯本始見於1933年,至1949年共有五部中譯。其中,王小石譯本(馬洛,1893/1947)因改編幅度較大,依據的底本難以稽考,其餘四個譯本皆非譯自法文原作。本文藉由文本對比分析和對相關文獻的鉤沉,追索這四部中譯本的底本,釐清該法文作品在民國時期的翻譯脈絡。經過追本溯源,確認首部中文譯作趙餘勳譯本《苦女奮鬭記》(馬羅,1893/1933)是以1932年出版的艾迪絲.希爾(Edith Heal)改編、吉爾.梅尼爾(Gil Meynier)翻譯的英譯本The Adventures of Perrine(Malot, 1893/1932)為底本,其後的胡思銘編譯本《苦女奮鬥記》(麥洛脫,1893/1934)與唐允魁譯本《苦女努力記》(馬洛,1893/1940)均改寫自趙譯本;魯丁譯本《苦女成功記》(馬勞脫,1893/1949)雖與梅希英譯本敘事關聯密切,卻有可能參考或改寫自趙、唐譯本。《孤女尋親記》的轉譯(indirect translation)經歷是民國時期兒童文學轉譯風氣的縮影,且與20世紀30、40年代美國兒童文學中譯的高潮互為映照。此外,透過此部法國兒童作品在民國時期的重譯現象,還可窺見當時現實主義的兒童文學觀,以及早期外國作品中譯一書多譯、底本不明等翻譯現象。


En Famille (Malot, 1893), a French children's novel, was first translated into Chinese in 1933. By 1949, five Chinese translations of the classic had appeared. Among them, Xiaoshi Wang's version took such liberty in translating that it is hard to ascertain the source text, and none of the other four versions is found to be a direct translation of the French original. Through textual analysis and literature review, this paper traces the source texts of these four Chinese versions and maps the translation history of En Famille in Republican-Period China. This investigation reveals that Yuxun Zhao's work, Endeavors of a Poor Girl (Malot, 1893/1933), the first Chinese translation of the French novel, was translated from the English version The Adventures of Perrine (Malot, 1893/1932) by Gil Meynier and Edith Heal. The succeeding two Chinese translations, Endeavors of a Poor Girl (Malot, 1893/1934) by Siming Hu and The Story of a Poor Hardworking Girl (Malot, 1893/1940) by Yunkui Tang, were adapted from Zhao's work. The fourth translation, The Success Story of a Poor Girl (Malot, 1893/1949) by Ding Lu, clearly consulted Zhao's and/or Tang's version and was likely an adaptation of them, although a narrative bond between it and The Adventures of Perrine is also evident. The history of the Chinese translation of En Famille before 1950 reflects a tendency for indirect translation of children's literature in Republican-Period China and the proliferation of translation of American children's literature into Chinese during the 1930s and 1940s. The retranslation of En Famille during this period reflects a notion of realism in Chinese children's literature and demonstrates some common textual practices among the early endeavors to translate foreign works into Chinese, such as the co-existence of several translations of the same text and insufficient information concerning the source text.


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