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Looking for Change Factors during Horticultural Group Therapy for Elderly


將園藝活動與團體歷程結合,可提升園藝治療對參與者的治療效果,亦可深化園藝治療對當事人處遇之深度。本研究之目的即在於探討老人參與團體形式之園藝治療之可能改變因子。老人園藝治療團體之形成,乃以結構化教案方式設計團體方案,輔以團體改變歷程之現象參考,如團體形成之初期、工作階段之中期及接近整合之後期等特徵,由諮商心理師與園藝治療師協同帶領老人園藝治療團體,共計進行三個團體29 名高齡者參與其中。以觀察法蒐集每次團體結束後之團體紀錄總計28 次,是為本研究之文本,輔以樣版式分析法進行資料分析。研究結果發現三項因子出現於整個園藝治療團體歷程裡,然有頻次上的差異,即團體初期以反應因子居多,中、後期則互動因子及行動因子漸趨增多;整體而言,以反應因子頻次最高,顯見個人受園藝治療所影響。其中反應因子包括有:參與興趣、學習動機、期待等特徵,互動因子則為相互協助、人際交流之特徵,行動因子則為植物照顧、分享、求助、團體認同等現象。研究結論據此提出建議,供後續研究及實務工作參考。


The purpose of this study was to identify the possible change factors affecting elderly participation in horticultural group therapy. A structured approach was used to design a group program for elderly that was jointly led by a counseling psychologist and a horticultural therapist. The program was implemented in three groups in which a total of 29 elderly participated. Group data were collected through observation after each session, or a total of 28 times. Content analysis was used to compare the data against the horticultural therapy factor approach of a Template Style Analysis, and data analysis was performed. The results revealed that three change factor categories existed in the overall horticultural group therapy program, although there were differences in frequency. At the initial stage of the program, reaction factors were seen most frequently, while the frequency of interaction and action factors gradually increased at the middle and final stages. Overall, the frequency of reaction factors was highest, which clearly indicates that individuals are affected by horticultural therapy. Reaction factors included participation interest, learning motivation, and expectations, interaction factors included mutual assistance and interpersonal communication, and action factors consisted of plant care, sharing, asking for help, and group identity. Based on the conclusions of this study, the recommendations were made as a reference for further research and practical application.


吳秀碧(2015)。有關團體,Yalom 他們說清楚了嗎?。臺灣諮商心理學報。3(1),1-13。
