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Effects of Hydraulic-resistance Circuit Training on Senior Fitness for Postmenopausal Elder Women


目的:探討12週油壓阻力訓練前、後,以及停止訓練後一個月(detraining)對於老年停經後婦女功能性體適能之影響。方法:招募年齡65歲以上老年停經後婦女,隨機分配為運動組(n = 12名,平均年齡:68.33 ± 2.67歲)和控制組(n = 12名,平均年齡:69.50 ± 3.18歲);運動組接受每週3次、每次60分鐘,連續12週之漸進式油壓阻力訓練課程;訓練肌群包括胸肌/背肌、肱二頭肌/肱三頭肌、腹肌、股內側肌/股外側肌、股四頭肌/股二頭肌,並於各肌群間穿插有氧登階訓練。控制組則未接受任何運動介入。於訓練前、後,以及停止訓練後一個月,進行老人體適能檢測資料收集,使用二因子混合設計觀察2組別和前、後測表現,並以相依樣本t檢定分析運動組前、後測和停止訓練後一個月之間差異(α = 0.05)。結果:經12週油壓阻力訓練介入後,運動組的30秒坐站測驗(22.95%)、2.44公尺立走測驗(14.33%)、坐姿體前彎(46.68%)以及兩分鐘踏步測驗(9.3%)均達顯著進步(p < 0.05)。且經一個月的停止訓練後,30秒坐站測驗、2.44公尺立走測驗仍維持訓練效益。結論:12週油壓阻力運動訓練可有助於改善停經後老年婦女之下肢肌耐力(30秒坐站測驗)與敏捷性/動態平衡(2.44公尺立走測驗),且經停止訓練後一個月仍能維持其訓練效益。


等速收縮 肌肉適能 敏捷 平衡

Parallel abstracts

Objective: This study examined the changes in the functional fitness of postmenopausal elderly women during the pre-, post-, and detraining periods of a 12-week circuit hydraulic-resistance training. Methods: 24 postmenopausal elderly women were recuited and randomly assigned into the exercise (n = 12, mean ± SD age = 68.33 ± .67 years) and control groups (n = 12, age = 69.50 ± 3.18 years). Members in the exercise group participated in a 12-week (3 sessions per week, 60 minutes per session) supervised resistance training program. The resistance training was designed to train all major muscles, including: chest/back, biceps/triceps brachii, abdominis, and quadriceps/hamstring muscles. The training circuit consisted of resistance training interspersed with aerobic stair training. Members in the control group did not participate in any exercise program. Subjects were examined by functional fitness tests. The effect of training was evaluated by performing repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) on members of both groups at preand post-tests. Paired sample t-tests were used to analyze pre-, post- and detraining-tests with the significant level set at 0.05. Results: Significant improvements were observed in 30-second chair stand test (22.95%, p < 0.05), 2.44-meter up-and-go test (14.33%, p < 0.05), chair sit-and-reach test (46.68%, p < 0.05) and 2-minute step test (9.3%, p < 0.05) after 12 weeks of circuit hydraulic-resistance training. More importantly, training-induced gains in the functional performance of 30-second chair stand test and 2.44-meter up-and-go test appeared to continue into the one month of detraining. Conclusions: 12-week hydraulic resistance training can improve lower body muscular endurance (chair sit-and-reach test) and agility/dynamic balance (2.44-meter up-and-go test), and the training result remained effective during the one month of detraining in postmenopausal elderly women.

Parallel keywords

isokinetic contraction muscular fitness agility balance

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