  • 期刊


The Research of Sense of Community and Identification with the Festival Celebration Activities-A Case Study of Penghu Chih Gui


節慶活動主要是地方文化「內發性」的發展,唯有對地方產生認同,才能進而對地方文化發展傳承貢獻心力,而觀光活動的成敗與否在於遊客的滿意及認同。從實證研究結果得知,在居民方面社區意識組成構面與節慶文化活動認同度存在顯著正相關,因此要提升居民對節慶文化活動的支持與認同,除了要設法凝聚及提振社區意識外,同時在另一方面要從增進節慶文化活動效益著手,相關建議如下:(一)多舉辦社區活動,並推行可鼓勵民眾參與的方法(二)發掘具服務熱忱的居民,並加以培訓(三)建立深度文化旅遊,創造實質經濟效應(四)協助社區有志發展事業的青壯年族群(五)提升鄉土意識,避免衝突性利益;在遊客方面參與動機與活動滿意度存在顯著正相關及活動滿意度與節慶文化活動認同度存在顯著正相關,因此要提升遊客對節慶文化活動的支持與認同,除了要在參與動機上提升文化吸引力及加強宣傳和在活動滿意度上加強活動管理及提高遊客參與活動興趣,同時在另一方面要增進當地節慶文化活動特色性,相關建議如下:(一)加強文化吸引力(二)加強活動場地管理,避免帶來反效果(三)提高活動趣味性(四)提高觀光品質。期望伴隨澎湖乞龜節慶文化活動的舉辦增進地方發展實質上的利益,以得到居 民的認同與支持及提高冬季的遊客數目。


The festival celebration activities are mainly in the ”endogenous” development of local culture, and identification with a local place is the initial step of contributing efforts to the development of local cultural heritage. In other side, success or failure of sightseeing activities lies in tourists' satisfaction and identification. From empirical study result, we can know that in the side of residents there is significant positive correlation between component dimensions of the sense of community and identification with the festival celebration activities. Therefore, in order to enhance the support and recognition of the festivals and cultural activities of the residents, except trying to unite and inspire the sense of community, in other side we should begin from enhancing effectiveness of festivals and cultural activities. The relevant recommendations are as follows: (1) Holding more community activities, and carry out the methods to encourage people to participate. (2) Finding and training enthusiastic residents. (3) Establishing the depth of cultural tourism to create real economic effects. (4) Helping young adults groups who wish to develop their career in the community. (5) Inspiring local awareness to avoid conflicts of interest. In the side of tourists, there is significant positive correlation between participation motive and satisfaction degree of the active and the same correlation between satisfaction degree of the active and identification with the festival celebration activities. Therefore, in order to enhance the support and recognition of the festivals and cultural activities of the tourists, except trying to enhance the cultural attractions in participation motive, strengthen the propaganda, enhance the management of activities in satisfaction degree of the activities and raise tourists’ interests in activity participation, in other side we should promote the characteristics of local festivals and cultural activities. The relevant recommendations are as follows: (1) Strengthening cultural attraction. (2) Strengthening the management of activities to avoid the negative effects. (3) Enhancing interest to the activities. (4) Improving the quality of tourism. Hoping that the holding of Penghu Chih Gui can substantially enhance the interest of local development to get the identification, support of the residents and increase the number of tourists in Penghu in winter.


澎湖縣政府旅遊局:2008/06/28 網址:http://www.penghu.gov.tw/11tourism/05news/view.asp?bull_id=3368
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