  • 期刊


The Research of Recreational Fishery's Transformation, Types, and Competency Needed in Penghu Area


近幾年澎湖縣政府大力推廣休閒漁業,希望將沒落的傳統漁村轉行成觀光休閒,提供機會供遊客體驗傳統漁業活動,更加速對傳統漁業轉型休閒漁業所受影響的因素而近一步探討認識休閒漁村文化以擬出轉型的有效策略。而傳統漁業從事者的人力結構及就業能力皆異於休閒漁業,所以在休閒漁業從業者的需求能力和類型,是本研究關注的焦點。 本研究以文件(內容)分析休閒漁業區分爲五大類型:1.運動型休閒漁業,2.體驗型休閒漁業,3.產業型休閒漁業,4.觀光型休閒漁業,5.教育文化型休閒漁業;其中在澎湖地區較熱門休閒種類共九項活動:海釣、潮間帶漁業、牽罟、石滬、夜釣小管、觀光蚵園、抱墩、海上平台、漁業導覽。此外就問卷調查分析出:影響所需轉型能力需求前三者能力分別爲:1.服務態度,2.危機處理能力,3.安全的管理能力等;以及探討出澎湖地區休閒漁業的轉型主要三大因素:1.傳統漁業資源枯竭,2.休閒漁業較被年輕人接受,3.傳統漁業受自然因素。以上做出的研究分析的結果,以及作爲未來針對工作能力分析調查表來對於開設休閒漁業人力培訓的参考。


Fishery is crucial to island economic development. Recently in Taiwan, the endorsement of government authorities, academic institutes, and enterprises had contributed to not only the need of citizens but also the whole national economic development. According to Ministry of the Interior statistics data, the population of Penghu was 89, 496 in 2000; while in 2002, the implementation of the Offshore Islands Development Act evoked Penghu downfallen fishery. The population of Penghu began to increase in 2002. Moreover, the increment of service industry GDP and the implementation of two-day-off policy increased citizens' leisure demands. Therefore, traditional fishery became to transform to recreational fishery in Penghu. More recently, the Government of Penghu County showed its ambition to promote leisure fishery and tried to revitalize the traditional fishery. In addition, the Government of Penghu County believed that the investigation of human structure and competency requirement was critical in determining whether the transformation was success or not. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to provide the answers to the questions as mentioned above. Based on the results, the study revealed that recreational fishery included five types: sports, experienced, industrial, tourism, and educational/cultural recreational fishery. Offshore fishing, tidal fishing, hauling net on the beach, tidal weir, night fishing squid, oyster farm tour, tidal trap, sea platform, and fishery guide were nine types of popular activities in recreational fishery in Penghu. In addition, the research concluded that draining off traditional fishing resource, the acceptance of recreational fishery for youth generation, and traditional fishing was natural oriented were three major reasons for transformation. Service attitude, crises management, and safety management were top three competencies for fishery transformation.


台灣漁業聯合網 http://www.twefish.com.tw/
行政院農業委員會 http://www.coa.gov.tw/show_index.php


