  • 期刊


The Analysis of Styling of Tourist Souvenirs Impact on The Local Community Development in Economy




According to statistical data of the Tourism Bureau, there has been a gradual increase in tourist population who travel in Taiwan and the amount of money they spend on shopping, which shows that souvenirs play an important role in the economic development of the tourist destinations and in the travels of tourists. This study is based on the resident perspective, using resident attitudes, local images, and local cultural industry as the antecedent variables that shape travel souvenirs, using place attachment and local economic development as consequent variables, to analyze the factors that shape souvenirs and the effect on local economic development. The study conducted purposive sampling to acquire samples, using the Jinmen area as the research scope, and retrieved 384 valid questionnaires. Research results showed that resident attitudes, local images, and local cultural industry have a significant influence on shaping souvenirs. Among resident attitudes, perception and behavioral inclination have greater influence, and among local images, integrated influence is deeper, and among local cultural industry, local industry and local culture have more significant effect; souvenirs also has a significant influence on place attachment and local economic development, and among them, markers and local products have greater influence on place attachment. In addition, iconic and symbolic souvenirs and local products have more significant effect in motivating local economic development. Different socioeconomic backgrounds of residents show significant differences in resident attitudes, local images, local cultural industry, place attachment, and local economic development; among them, older residents better understand the importance of souvenirs, and in terms of place attachment, those who are married and have higher levels of education have a greater sense of identification with the connection between souvenirs and the locale.


交通部觀光局(2011)。觀光統計表。上網時間:2011 年10 月26 日。網址:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/。
交通部觀光局觀光衛星帳(2007)。台灣觀光衛星帳。上網時間:2011 年11 月5日。網址:http://admin.taiwan.net.tw/public/public.aspx?no=132。


