  • 期刊


Process with Constraint Conditions for Coordinates Transformation and Regional Conjugation of Graphic Digitized Maps


圖解地籍圖數值化成果之整合應用,為目前重要課題。圖解數化僅保存數化當時地籍圖之精度,地籍圖因破損、伸縮所造成圖幅無法銜接之問題,並未藉由圖解數化解決。又目前地政事務所土地複丈作業多仍採圖解法施測,造成相鄰複丈地區之成果,各自形成獨立系統,有難以接合情形;並因採分幅方式管理地籍圖,造成後續地籍管理之困擾。 傳統之坐標轉換須找到同時具新舊兩種坐標之共同點,才得以實施。惟對地籍測量而言,無論控制點或界址點,多僅存在一種坐標,即實地或地籍圖坐標;本研究係配合實務作業,以點對點條件輔以實務上取得較易之共線條件與距離條件等方式,實施坐標轉換,利用使用現況之約制條件實施坐標轉換整合圖解地籍圖作業,提高坐標轉換作業之方便性及與使用現況之套疊精度,可提供爾後實施坐標轉換及國土資訊系統相關空間資料轉換套疊之參據。 另經本研究測試結果,將分幅成果予以接合,亦屬可行;而以整合圖實施坐標轉換,優於以分幅處理後,再予接合之平均成果;至將坐標轉換之約制條件點殘差,內插分配至其餘界址點之方式,其改善情形並不明顯。本研究結果,可作為日後地政機關推動數化成果整合及轉換至TWD97坐標系統作業之重要參考。


The integrated applications of graphic maps digitized at various aspects have become the current key theme. The accuracy of the cadastral boundary lines was kept with fidelity to the existing map situation during digitization. For areas seriously damaged and broken along the folding lines caused of frequent uses and the unequal rates caused by undetected stretching and shrinking between the adjacent map sheets, the problems of nonconformity of boundary lines have not been solved thereafter. Besides, after digitization, graphic land revision was still performed in many land administration offices. It resulted with connections being harder and harder because of different regional systems. Also, sheet by sheet management of the cadastral twist with the above reasons had become more and more perplexing. Traditionally, two sets of coordinates in two different systems on the same point must exist before coordinate transformation. In some prior studies, to survey the existing land use edges of each land parcel for transformation with constraint conditions has proven workable. Furthermore, depending on the practical situation, point-to-point condition, collinearity condition, or distance condition can optionally be adopted to proceed transformation for convenience and the promotion of overlapping accuracy as well. They have made available for reference both on coordinate transformation and overlapping of spatial information in National Land Information System, NLIS. In this study, joining between two adjacent map sheet works feasible. The average results of integrated sheet transformation were better than that of zoning process in individual sheet then sheets joining. In regard to interpolating the residual to the rest of the boundary points after transformation with constraint conditions, the improvement shows unapparent. The outcome of this study is significant as the reference to the operations for land administration units forwarding integration of graphic map digitized and coordinate transformation into TWD97 (Taiwan Datum 1997).
