  • 期刊


Introduction to Survey Instrument Calibration Laboratory of National Land Surveying and Mapping Center


內政部國土測繪中心(以下簡稱測繪中心)現有地籍圖重測處理相關系統發展,係以支援數值地籍圖重測任務為主,從DOS時代以單機GUI應用為需求開發,歷經Windows系統變遷後改版而維護使用至今,因電腦系統發展快速,系統執行環境差異甚大,使用者與業務單位的需求也日益增加,現有系統架構已不敷時宜,亟需改版以資因應。改版除面臨新的作業系統(Windows 7)的上市及如何運用網路環境與使用者環境變化的問題外,尚須因應爾後重測業務可能將由測繪中心全數移轉給地方政府辦理的作業結構變遷。因此,在系統規劃上必須將目前以測區辦公室單機作業網路環境的思考模式,轉變成地政事務所為主的作業環境。 如何整合各自為政的電腦系統並考慮系統開發時程、系統發展人力及爾後系統方向等,是目前系統整合的首要課題。因此該中心自98年起進行系統整合規劃、分析、設計產出「地籍圖重測整合服務系統」,並經99年試辦時程,證明系統設計的方向正確,對第一線的系統使用人員有所助益,預計自100年全面推廣。本文係針對如何因應網際網路環境,導致原有系統應升級的方向作一探討。


The data processing systems for cadastral resurvey presently used at the National Land Surveying and Mapping Center (NLSC) was primarily developed for supporting digital cadastral resurveying. They were originally designed for stand-alone GUI application in the conventional DOS environment. These systems have been revised to cope with series of changes in the Windows operating system, and are still being used currently. However, the system execution environment has changed a great deal, due to the fast development in computer technology, and also demands from users and business units have been ever increasing. Evidently, the currently used systems need an upgrade in the shortest time, because the existing system architecture can no longer satisfy its user needs. The system upgrade has to meet the requirements of the latest released version Windows 7 operating system. Various stand-alone systems have to be converted to work at the network environment, and also the cadastral resurvey business may have to be transferred from the NLSC to local governments in the future. Therefore, system planning has to take into consideration the fact that the presently used stand-alone systems basing on the local area network environment of district survey offices need to be converted to the operational environment of the land administration office. The primary issues, such as integration of resources from various stand-alone systems, system development schedule, human resources needed for the system development, future direction for the system development and others need to be tackled at the current stage of system integration. The system planning, analysis, and design work for the integrated service system for cadastral resurveying all started since 2009. Test run of the newly developed system in 2010 has confirmed that the system design is on the right track. The new system is proven very helpful for the first-line users, and it will be fully implemented by the year 2011. This paper is set out to explore possible ways to cope with the Internet environment that would tie in with the present effort to upgrade the currently used systems.


Cadastral Resurvey Internet
