  • 期刊


Playing an Active Role in Maternal-Infant Care: Using Oral History to Explore a Midwife's Career in Postwar Taiwan




母嬰照護 口述歷史 助產士


Background: Taiwanese midwives began to receive professional training in 1907 during the Japanese Colonial Period. The profession of midwifery flourished until it was gradually sidelined by increasingly available professional obstetrics and medical care and changes in society and culture. Lee Chuan is a former professional midwife. She was born in 1921 in Tainan County and studied at the Midwifery Institute in Taichung, where she graduated in 1943. She worked as a midwife at the Jiangjyun Township Health Center in Tainan County in 1950. She joined the Kaohsiung Municipal Hospital in 1952 and retired from the Kaohsiung Municipal Ta‐Tung hospital in 1978. She ended her midwifery career in 1989.Purpose: This study explores the career of midwifery, including initiation, the learning process, and career as a precious historical perspective on the development of maternal‐infant care in Taiwan through the mid‐ and late‐20th century, a timeline that covers Japanese and Republic of China administration of Taiwan and addresses social, and culture contexts.Methods: An oral history approach was adopted to explore the midwifery career. Research included literature review, photograph compilation, a review of formal documents, and 14 face‐to‐face, in‐depth interviews with Lee Chuan. Content analysis was performed on collected information and triangulation was used to check rigor.Results: Three themes emerged, including: (1) growth and midwifery enlightenment; (2) midwifery learning experiences; (3) the career of midwifery.Conclusion / Implications for Practice: Results provide Lee Chuan's personal and professional history, underscoring the meaningful implication and values of traditional midwifery. Results further reveal the merits of the midwife profession. Lee Chuan's profession, humanity, and ways of social communications may also have lessons and insights for maternal and infant care and nursing professionals today.


maternal‐infant care oral history midwife


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