  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Chinese Medicine Nursing Instructions on Constipation for Managing Constipation Symptoms and Quality of Life among College Students


Background: Providing nursing instructions is an independent function of Chinese medicine nursing. Chinese medicine nursing instructions related to constipation have been shown to effectively relieve constipation symptoms and improve bowel movement intervals in the elderly. Little research has addressed the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine in managing constipation symptoms in college students.Purpose: This quasi‐experimental study examines the effectiveness of traditional‐Chinese‐medicine (TCM) nursing instructions in managing constipation symptoms and improving quality of life in college students.Methods: A quasi‐experimental research design was used. Participants comprised a purposive sampling of 55 college students (experimental group: 24 students; control group: 31 students). Experimental‐group participants received 4 hours of TCM nursing instructions within 2 weeks of being examined by a Chinese medical doctor, who used four Chinese medicine examination (inspection, listening/smelling, inquiry, and palpation) and pattern identification techniques. Control‐group participants received usual care comprising a health‐education pamphlet on constipation management. All participants completed a structured questionnaire prior to receiving their intervention. The second and third data collections were conducted during week 2 and 6. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) analysis examined the effects of TCM nursing instructions on constipation management. Pretest effect, growth effect, age, and body mass index (BMI) were all controlled to compare interactions between the two groups and pre‐test/post‐test differences.Results: GEE analysis showed that both groups had improved significantly at 2‐ and 6‐weeks post‐test. Intervention effects were: bowel movement interval (week two = ‐1.42, p < .001; week six = ‐1.27, p < .001), constipation symptoms (week two = ‐8.10, p < .001; week six = ‐7.09, p < .001), quality of life (week two = ‐19.69, p < .001; week six = ‐20.58, p < .001), and self‐reported constipation severity (week two = ‐1.35, p < .001; week six = ‐1.31, p < .05). Results found improvements in constipation symptoms in the intervention group to be significantly higher than in the control group.Conclusions: Study results support that Chinese medicine nursing instructions are effective in relieving constipation symptoms and may be more effective than current standard pamphlet recommendations.


中醫護理指導 大學生 便秘


Background: Providing nursing instructions is an independent function of Chinese medicine nursing. Chinese medicine nursing instructions related to constipation have been shown to effectively relieve constipation symptoms and improve bowel movement intervals in the elderly. Little research has addressed the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine in managing constipation symptoms in college students.Purpose: This quasi‐experimental study examines the effectiveness of traditional‐Chinese‐medicine (TCM) nursing instructions in managing constipation symptoms and improving quality of life in college students.Methods: A quasi‐experimental research design was used. Participants comprised a purposive sampling of 55 college students (experimental group: 24 students; control group: 31 students). Experimental‐group participants received 4 hours of TCM nursing instructions within 2 weeks of being examined by a Chinese medical doctor, who used four Chinese medicine examination (inspection, listening/smelling, inquiry, and palpation) and pattern identification techniques. Control‐group participants received usual care comprising a health‐education pamphlet on constipation management. All participants completed a structured questionnaire prior to receiving their intervention. The second and third data collections were conducted during week 2 and 6. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) analysis examined the effects of TCM nursing instructions on constipation management. Pretest effect, growth effect, age, and body mass index (BMI) were all controlled to compare interactions between the two groups and pre‐test/post‐test differences.Results: GEE analysis showed that both groups had improved significantly at 2‐ and 6‐weeks post‐test. Intervention effects were: bowel movement interval (week two = ‐1.42, p < .001; week six = ‐1.27, p < .001), constipation symptoms (week two = ‐8.10, p < .001; week six = ‐7.09, p < .001), quality of life (week two = ‐19.69, p < .001; week six = ‐20.58, p < .001), and self‐reported constipation severity (week two = ‐1.35, p < .001; week six = ‐1.31, p < .05). Results found improvements in constipation symptoms in the intervention group to be significantly higher than in the control group.Conclusions: Study results support that Chinese medicine nursing instructions are effective in relieving constipation symptoms and may be more effective than current standard pamphlet recommendations.


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