  • 期刊

Evaluating E-Commerce Strategies by a Fuzzy TOPSIS Method





e-Commerce has become an important role in promoting corporation business performance. A successful strategy can lead a corporation to improved efficiencies, growth in market share, expansion into new markets, or simply survival in competitive markets. To evaluate and select e-Commerce strategies, this paper suggests a fuzzy TOPSIS (technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution) method, where ratings of alternatives under qualitative criteria and the different importance weights among criteria are assessed in linguistic values represented by fuzzy numbers. In the proposed model, criteria are classified to qualitative, benefit quantitative and cost quantitative ones. The membership function of the fuzzy weighted rating of each alternative under each criterion can be developed by using α-cuts and interval arithmetic of fuzzy numbers. Moreover, an intuitive defuzzification method of average area is suggested to defuzzify all the fuzzy weighted ratings to assist completing the model. Formulas for the defuzzification procedure can be clearly derived, enhancing the applicability of the proposed method. Finally, a numerical example demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed method.


e-Commerce Strategy Fuzzy TOPSIS Defuzzification Average Area


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