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The Exploration of Sport Tourism Typology and Participants' Motivation


運動觀光已成為新興且具發展潛力之觀光事業,運動觀光除了提供結合運動與旅遊目的之機會外,更能對當地經濟與知名度產生正面的效益。因此本研究目的除了歸納運動觀光的類型外,更進一步探討運動觀光參與者之參與動機,期望本研究結果可供未來研究與規劃運動觀光活動之參考。 本研究方法採質化研究之文獻探討法,根據相關文獻之分析,本研究結果發現,運動觀光的類型具多樣化,包括「運動參與型」、「賽會觀賞型」、「文化懷舊型」、「會展參與型」、與「綜合型」五類運動觀光;參與動機中以內在動機為主,包括:「追尋夢想與自我實現」、「新奇與學習」、「休閒調劑與健康」、「尋求刺激與挑戰」以及「文化與信仰」五類;而外在動機主要有「競賽獎賞」、「追星風潮」、「社交互動與情感交流」、「獨特目的地偏好」以及「社會地位與自我展現」等五類。 本研究者建議未來運動觀光規劃管理者爭取國際賽會主辦權、推廣與創造多元的運動觀光機會與類型,並規劃在地化與客制化運動觀光行程,以吸引不同參與動機者。未來研究建議針對不同類型之運動觀光與不同動機之參與者做進一步質與量的探討,另外可針對參與者之背景、參與特性進行運動觀光市場區隔之分析。


Sport tourism is an uprising industry. It not only combines the content of sport and travel, but also develops positive effects for local’s economy and image. The purposes of the study were to classify the typology of sport tourism, and analysis the participants’ motivation. The study was qualitative, and the researchers adopted literature review as the research method. The results of the study were as following: First, the typology of sport tourism was classified into 5 types: ―sport participation”, “sport event spectating”, “culture and nostalgia”, “convention and conference participation” and “multiple participation”. The main participation motivation were 5 types of intrinsic motivation, including ―fulfilling dreams and self-satisfaction‖, ―novelty and learning new things‖, ―recreation and health’, ―excitement and challenge‖ ; and 5 types of extrinsic motivation were including ―prize and money‖, “fans’ commitment”, “social interaction and kinship”, “prestige destination preference” and “social status and self-expression”. The researchers conclude and suggest that sport tourism planners and managers can pursue and support the chance for holding international sport events as well as plan diversified, customized, and local specified sport activities for different motivation participants. For the future research, researchers could focus on the more in-depth quality and quantity research related to specific typology, benefits, and market segments of the sport tourism.
