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The Preparation and Physical Properties of UHMWPE/C Wraps Yarn


UHMWPE/C包覆紗是利用超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)絲當成芯絲而棉紗當成鞘紗利用中空錠子撚線機所包繞而成。其中UHMWPE是採用荷蘭DSM Dyneema公司之產品SK65,棉紗則是使用國內生產之純棉紗。包繞紗之性質透過抗張強力、抗張伸度、比強力、支數、均勻度、毛羽數、棉粒及包繞角度之性質來探討。拉張強力、拉張伸度、比強力則是透過拉張強力試驗機、支數則是透過微量天平及烘箱利用重量法及公式運算而得,至於均勻度(U%)、毛羽數及棉粒則透過Uster Testing Instrument量測而得,而包繞角度則是利用光學顯微鏡、電子顯微鏡配合Pierce理論運算而得。本實驗UHMWPE/C包繞紗所選擇之參數為包繞棉紗支數及包覆撚度,棉紗支數從20''''S~50''''S,包繞撚度則從700TPM~1000TPM(twist per meter)。經實驗結果顯示,UHMWPE/C包覆紗之丹尼數及包繞角度隨著包覆棉紗支數之降低及包覆撚度之增加而增加,拉張斷裂荷重及毛羽數亦隨包覆棉紗支數之降低及包覆撚度之增加而增加;比強力、U%則隨包覆棉紗支數之降低及包覆撚度之增加而降低;至於伸度及應變百分率受棉紗支數及包覆撚度之影響,雖無明顯之線性趨勢,但兩者之性質很明顯地UHMWPE/C包覆紗遠優UHMWPE絲。總之,UHMWPE絲經其包繞棉紗後可改善單獨用UHMWPE長絲之物性有:1.紗線之染色性,增加紗線色彩之變化。2.紗線伸長量可從原先之3.5%增加到12~17%。3紗線表面較粗造,此有助於織造工程之進行。


包覆紗 比強力 支數


UHMWPE/C wraps yarn is composed of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) filament and cotton yarn. UHMWPE filament which adopts Holland DSM Dyneema company product SK65 was treated as core filament and cotton yarn which is made in Taiwan factory was treated as sheath yarn was fabricated by hollow spindle machine. The physical properties of UHMWPE/C wraps yarn were investigated through experiments of tensile load, tensile strain, tensile tenacity, yarn count, evenness, hairiness, neps and twist angle, while properties of tensile load, tensile strain and tensile tenacity were tested by tensile testing machine, yarn count would be experimented by accurate balance, oven and calculation of formula, for yarn qualities of evenness (U%), hairiness and neps were measured by uster testing instrument and the properties of twisting angle was taken by optical microscope, scanning electronic microscope cooperates with Pierce theory operation. Afterward, the cotton yarn count and the degree of twist number were chose as the experiment's parameters in this study. The region of cotton yarn count was from 20'S to 50'S and degree of twist number was from 700TPM to1000TPM (turn per meter). The results of UHMWPE/C wraps yarn are shown that the properties of yarns' count (denier) and twist angle of UHMWPE/C wraps yarn were increased with the decrease of cotton yarn count and increase of degree of twist number; the properties of tensile load, hairiness of * UHMWPE/C wraps yarn were also increased with the decrease of cotton yarn count and the increase of degree of twist number. Oppositely, the properties of tensile tenacity and U% were decreased with the decrease of cotton yarn count and the increase of degree of twist number; although the properties of tensile extension and tensile strain of UHMWPE/C wraps yarn had not a trend by affection of cotton yarn count and degree of twist number, the both of tensile extension and tensile strain of UHMWPE/C wraps yarn were increased more significantly than original UHMWPE filaments'. Summary, the properties of UHMWPE filament is improved by it wrap cotton yarn behind have: 1. ameliorated dying of yarn which would promote color changeable 2. Tensile extension of yarn can be increased from 3.5% to 12~17% 3. Roughness on the surface of yarn is increased which would improve to weaving.


UHMWPE wrap cover yarn tenacity yarn count U%
