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A Study of NGOs' Participation in the WTO Ministerial Conferences: 1996-2009


世界貿易組織(WTO)在國際經貿領域的重要性,等同於聯合國在國際政治領域。台灣於2001年成為WTO的會員,2003年墨西哥坎昆「WTO部長會議」尚不見台灣NGO的身影。2009年在瑞士日內瓦舉行第七屆「WTO部長會議」,全球有435個各國非政府組織(NGO)組團參加,台灣(Chinese Taipei)也有9個民間社團與會,台灣NGO逐漸在國際舞台展現公民社會的力量。本文旨在釐清NGO的角色功能與國際性定位,並提出參與WTO之必要性及可能途徑,從理論與實務層面,探討國內外非政府組織參與WTO部長會議現況,提供國內NGO有意在日後與會時之參考建議。非政府組織隨著參與聯合國及其體系下組織政策的討論、介入處理國際援助或人道救援等事項,在國際上逐漸扮演重要的角色;相對於政府組織,非政府組織著重於自主性,且強調其非營利、非暴力、非經政府協議或資助而設立的特色,在參與國際性事務時,看似無政府代表權的NGO代表,往往會在重要的國際場合,進行「第二軌道(track two)」外交,甚至可以獲致出人意表的成效。台灣既已加入WTO,參與全球經貿的最高階會議,是一種權利,也是一種義務,政府相關部門也充分解瞭與會的重要性與優先性,派員組團與會更是一致的共識,但往往在議程進行時,受制於中國在國際社會的排擠,不是不得其門而入,就是鍛羽而歸,如果能結合NGO的角色,發揮其功能,或許能在未來的國際會議上有機會突破中國的封鎖,那麼,鼓勵NGO參與WTO部長會議,會是一個很好的開端。


The role of World Trade Organization (WTO) in the global economic and trade arena is as important as the United Nations in the world politics. In the 7^th WTO Ministerial Conference held at Geneva in 2009, there were 435 NGOs from different countries officially registered to attend the conference. Among them there were 9 NGOs from Taiwan .Taiwan becomes a WTO member in December 2001, yet the NGOs were absented even after that. In the 5^th WTO Ministerial Conference held at Cancun, Mexico in 2003, there were no NGO from Taiwan. Thus the civil society in Taiwan had wasted many chances to participate and learn from other INGOs. This research article tried to define NGO, its role and function in the international affairs and to propose the necessity and possibility of participating in the WTO Conference in theory and practice. With the purpose of encouraging NGOs' participation in the WTO Ministerial Conference, also discussed in this article is a general picture of NGOs' participation in the WTO Ministerial Conference up to this day. In the United Nations system, NGOs do involve in the discussion and forming of UN policy as well as the execution of projects. That means NGOs play an ever important role in the international society gradually. In opposite to the diplomatic delegations, NGOs are independent, non-profit, non-violent and supposedly free from governmental control. Although NGOs could not and should not representing any county, it does possible to complement the official diplomatic functions. This is the so called ”A second track diplomacy”. Since Taiwan is a member of WTO, it is a right as well as a duty for the NGOs to participate in the highest level of WTO affairs especially when our government and civil society hit a stone wall built by PRC in the UN system through several decades. The Two-tracks participation of both government and NGOs in the WTO functions should be utilized and encouraged for a good beginning of breaking through in the international affairs.
