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A Comparison of Static Balance Ability between Middle and Elderly Populations Measured by Force Platform


前言:本研究利用壓力中心(COP)的移動軌跡量測中、老年人(50歲~83歲)的各項平衡參數,比較不同年齡間平衡參數之差異。方法:30名健康無下肢疾病之中、老年人參與本實驗,平均年齡71.03 ± 8.99歲、身高153.28 ± 9.31公分,分組為:50~65歲(中年N = 8,平均年齡58.62歲)、65~75歲(輕老年N = 9,平均年齡70.44歲)以及75歲以上(中老年N = 13,平均年齡79.08歲)共3組,受試者須在測力板(Kistler)上執行:開眼雙腳平行站立、閉眼雙腳平行站立、開眼雙腳前後站立、閉眼雙腳前後站立,擷取達到穩定後5秒的COP移動軌跡資料,比較其總移動軌跡、前後向擺盪範圍、左右向擺動範圍及擺盪面積,統計方法使用單因子變異數分析比較組間是否達到差異,使用相依樣本t考驗比較不同站姿以及開眼、閉眼間表現上是否有差異,顯著水準皆為α = .05。結果:各組間平衡參數皆未達到顯著差異;不同站姿對平衡表現的影響:在雙腳平行以及前後站之間的比較,前後站的動作會有較大的左右方向的位移(p = .000);在開閉眼間的比較,閉眼平行站立會有較大的前後方向位移(p = .000),閉眼前後站立時會有較大的左右位移(p = .000)。結論與建議:在5秒的時間裡中老年人間的平衡表現無顯著差異,但我們可以發現各組在不同站姿與是否開閉眼對於平衡表現的影響,未來建議將肌力表現納入分組考量之一並於檢測結束後可以對受試者做後續追蹤是否有跌倒發生,將其與所得到的檢測結果做連結,找出對未來的跌倒有較強的預測能力之參數。


高齡化 壓力中心 平衡

Parallel abstracts

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the balance ability between middle and elderly populations by applying center of pressure (COP) trajectory. Methods: Thirty healthy subjects (age = 71.03 ± 8.99 years, height = 153.28 ± 9.31 cm) without lower limb diseases participated in the study. Participants were divided into three groups: middle-aged (N = 8, 50~64 years, mean age: 58.62 years), young-elderly (N = 9, 65~74 years, mean age: 70.44 years), and elderly (N = 13, 75 or older, mean age: 79.08 years). Subjects performed parallel stance and tandem stance with eyes open and closed on force platform. After the subjects reached stability, the 5-second COP data were recorded for obtaining total sway distance, anterior-posterior sway range, medial-lateral sway range, and the area of sway; and they were calculated as outcome measurements. Differences among groups were examined by one-way ANOVA. Differences between different conditions (stances, eyes open/closed) were examined by paired student's t-test. The significance level was set at α = .05. Results: No significant differences among three groups were noted. The effects of different conditions on the performance of balance: Compared to the different stance conditions, medial-lateral sway range of tandem stand was significantly greater than the range of parallel stance (p = .000). Compared to the different visual conditions in parallel stance, the anterior-posterior sway range with eyes closed was significantly greater than that with eyes open (p = .000). In tandem stance the medial-lateral sway range with eyes closed was significantly greater than that with eyes open (p = .000). Conclusions: In five seconds, we did not observe differences among all groups, but the effects of different conditions on the performance of balance were noted. For future study, muscle strength should be considered a factor for participants grouping. In addition, a follow-up should be conducted after the test to find out the correlation between falls and balance scale in order to obtain the parameters for predicting elderly falls.

Parallel keywords

aging center of pressure balance


內政部統計處(2007)。「人口統計年報」。台北市內政部。2008 年 9 月 28 日,取自內政部統計資訊服務網:http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/month/list.htm
行政院經濟建設委員會(2008).(行政院經濟建設委員會(2008).「中華民國臺灣 97年至 145 年人口推計報告」.台北市:經濟建設委員會.2008 年 9 月 28 日,取自行政院經濟建設委員會網址:http://www.cepd.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo).http://www.cepd.gov.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0000455&key=&ex=%20&ic=

Cited by

張立盈(2012)。環狀式油壓阻力訓練對於老年女性 肌少症之效益〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315284348
