  • 期刊


Investigate the Effect of the Foot Pressure between Wearing the Jogging Shoes and Volleyball Sneakers while Walking


目的:探討穿著排球專項運動鞋與慢跑鞋,走路時足部壓力差異。方法:以自願參與之4位男性健康受試者(均年齡20±1歲,身高179.7±2.8公分,體重:72±2.8公斤)。分別穿著慢跑鞋與排球專項運動鞋於足底壓力跑步機(FDM-TLR ZEBRLS Germany, 60Hz),以4.3m/h速度行走,並於矢狀面架設內建高速攝影機(120 Hz),同步擷取慣用腳與非慣用腳之前足、中足與足跟足底壓力。透過IBM SPSS 23.0版統計軟體,以成對樣本t檢定考驗(Paired sample t-test),比較穿著慢跑鞋與排球專項運動鞋之組間與組內,三足區足底壓力差異,統計水準訂為α=.05。結果:穿著排球專項運動鞋,之中足區足底壓力顯著低於慢跑鞋,其餘足區則未達顯著差異,此外不論穿著排球專項運動或慢跑鞋,前足區足底壓力皆顯著大於中足與足跟區。故在從事排球運動時,穿著排球專項運動鞋可較低足底壓力,以預防傷害的產生。結論:排球專項運動鞋與慢跑鞋,於設計上皆著重前足區與足跟區之緩衝,然而排球專項運動鞋,相較於慢跑鞋在中足區部分可提共更多的緩衝,以降低足底壓力的產生。故消費者可隨自身需求,選擇適合該運動的運動鞋。


Purpose: Explore the difference of foot pressure when wearing the volleyball sneakers and jogging shoes walking. Method: four healthy male volunteer to be the subjects (The average age is 20 ± 1 years old, the height is 179.7 ± 2.8 cm, and the weight is 72 ± 2.8 kg.). Wearing jogging shoes and volleyball sneakers walking on the foot pressure treadmill (FDM-TLR ZEBRLS Germany, 60 Hz) and the walking speed at 4.3 m/h. The high-speed camera (120 Hz) is set at the sagittal plane to simultaneously capture the forefoot, midfoot and heel sole pressures of the conventional and non-dominant feet. The IBM SPSS statistical software (version 23.0) was used in this study and test by the Paired sample t-test, comparing the foot pressure of the three plantar area when wearing jogging shoes and volleyball sneakers and the different foot pressure between the two different types of sports shoes, the statistical level is set at α = .05. Result: the foot pressure of the midfoot area when wearing volleyball sneakers were significant lower than wearing jogging shoes and the other foot areas did not reach significant differences, furthermore, whether wearing volleyball sneakers or jogging shoes, the foot pressure of the forefoot were higher than the midfoot and heel area. Conclusion: Volleyball sports shoes and running shoes are designed to focus on the cushioning of the forefoot area and the heel area. However, volleyball sports shoes can provide more cushioning in the midfoot area than the running shoes to reduce the soles. The generation of pressure. Therefore, consumers can choose sports shoes suitable for the sport according to needs.




